Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Safety Week Update...

On Monday during specials, we had a 911 training at Sunflower for our PM KDG, all day KDG and our 1st graders. We watched a video that talked about all the different kinds of phones that could be used to call 911 in an emergency. They learned some of the questions that might be asked of them when they call. Some students even did a practice call with a fake emergency. It was determined that most kiddos could use some practice knowing their address and phone number. As a review, you might see if your kiddo knows how to call 911 (gets tricky in homes with only cell phones...can they get into the phone, do they know where to get to the emergency number?) Thanks for helping them be safe! Additionally, we have spent each morning talking about all different ways to stay safe. Today we had our severe weather drill and tomorrow we will practice our intruder drill. The kids are doing an amazing job thinking of ways to stay safe in all different situations. From playground safety to car safety to stranger safety to street safety, we have had some great discussions about all of the different ways to be safe and smart in all sorts of places. You may want to find an opportunity this evening or some time this week to talk with your child about some important safety tips that we have talked about in class.

Monday, August 29, 2016

I am back!!! Monday Magic!

Hi families! I was SO happy to be reunited with your amazing children today after such a hard week in my personal life. I am so sorry for my lapse in communication. My husband has had terrible complications from a surgery earlier this month and his conditioned worsened last week. It was essential that I was with him in the hospital and so I missed some magical time with your children. They did an incredible job for their dear substitute...but it sure was good to be reunited with those beautiful faces today! I hope they had a wonderful Monday. Because of your dear ones, my Monday was the best one I have had in a very long time. Thank you! We are up and rocking our Storytown reading program. Today you will find that your child has brought home their first SPELLING WORDS to practice this week. Our sound of the week is short /a/ and the kids have 10 words to help them learn/review the pattern. We are going to attempt our first "spelling test" on Friday, so if you can give 5-10 minutes a night to practicing the words it will help your child be successful. Our first grade team of teachers is currently working on a video to send to parents to help you learn some of the ropes of first grade. We know everyone is so busy and so in order to respect your evening family time, we are working to create a short video that will help you learn the ropes of first grade instead of coming to school for a Parent Meeting...Thank you for your patience while we experiment with this new technology. Speaking of new technology, I am trying my hand at this new "BLOOMZ" app--"Ms. Beverage's Bloom Room". Hopefully, I got the link sent out to everyone correctly. I am trying to migrate through the site as I go, as it is brand new and I am by no means an expert at it yet. Please continue to check our blog as well as the app and hope I figure it out quickly. Again, thank you for your patience. The kids are doing an amazing job working on their math teams. We are even working on mastering the "Ole' Switch-a-Roo". Ask your first grader to tell you about what the ole' switch-a-roo is. You can give them an example such as: 7+2=9. What is the switch-a-roo? Did your child bring home their Walk-a-Thon packet last week? This Friday is the due date for the packet fundraisers. Our goal was for each Sunflower student to earn/raise $100 so that we have classroom and school money for our annual activities (field trips, classroom supplies, etc). That is a lot of money, so please know that every little bit helps. We are grateful for anything your child can contribute to help our school reach our goal. Thank you so much. Enjoy your Monday evening together. Thank you so much for your understanding as I try to heal my dear husband. And a HUGE thank you for having such loving, kind, precious children. They were my best medicine today. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

'Twas the Night Before First Grade...

'Twas the night before first grade and all through the school, we had new, smiling faces in our building (which is oh, so cool).  They met their new teacher, they put their things away and they wondered what to expect on that very next day.  Their teacher was THRILLED to meet her new crew. She was so excited, she didn't know WHAT to do!  She looked at the clock and said, "Time for bed!  There is so much fun in the days ahead!"

Thank you to EVERYONE for coming to Meet the Teacher night tonight!  It was so much fun to meet your sweet kiddos tonight.  I know it is a mix of emotions as we begin something new.  First grade is where the magic happens!  Up, up and away we go...time to BLOOM!

Don't forget that tomorrow is just a half day and we release at 11:25.  We will not be having lunch.  Please let me know if your child's transportation plans will differ than their normal dismissal transportation.  Thank you, again, for coming tonight.  What an awesome way to begin our year together.  See you tomorrow!  Sweet dreams!