Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Wrap!

Another successful week in first grade! My goodness, did we work hard again this week. We spent the week learning how to tell time to the hour. Your child should be able to tell time on the hour without hesitation. Continued practice and daily exposure to this concept will further help them maintain their newfound skill! We read the book "The Grouchy Ladybug" today and set our analog clocks to match all of the times in the story. Ask your child to tell you some of the animals the Grouchy Ladybug tried to rumble with. They really enjoyed the story and did a wonderful job setting their clocks. Give them a pat on the back!

In reading time this week, we continued to work on our letter sounds and blends. We learned about consonants and reviewed the vowels by learning our "Vowel Rap". Have you child rap it for you, it was a hoot! We learned about CVC words. Have your child create some CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) nonsense words (such as jiv, fup) and challenge them to say the sounds in the word or try to say their nonsense word. This helps with letter recognition and sound connection. We wrote several silly sentences and practiced our handwriting, as well.

We have worked all week on Sight Word List 1. Today your child's yellow folder came home with List 1 tucked inside and a letter about how our sight word system works. Next week I will begin testing students who are ready to master List 1 so that they may move up to List 2. There are 22 lists to master in first grade, so we need to get started! Please help your child find further success by helping them practice at home.

We finished our underwater art creation. Ask your child to tell you about some of the creatures they created in their underwater habitat. Their projects turned out beautifully. Come by our hall next week to check out our water masterpieces!

Have a wonderful weekend together. Stay cool and safe and get ready to welcome September next week!

Looking ahead to our Specials next week:
Monday= D Tuesday= A Wednesday= B Thursday= C Friday= D

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Terrific Tuesday!

Monday= C Tuesday= D Wednesday= A Thursday= B Friday= C

We had another great day in first grade! Today we wrote another silly sentence using the letter "C". Our handwriting is looking great! We read the story, Dandelion by Don Freeman and learned about MAIN CHARACTERS and SUPPORTING CHARACTERS. Have your child tell you the difference between the two and ask them to tell you about our story. They made some terrific character posters, too! We learned a vowel rap and learned how to tell time to the hour. Many of our first graders were very familiar with this concept. Great job first graders! We will continue to practice telling time on both digital and analog clocks. Extra practice at home will help a lot! We learned about "habitats" today and talked about the Arctic. We used oatmeal to make polar bears. Have your child tell you about their art project that we started today. We had to get gooey and they did great! Hope you are all having a great start to your week! Check back soon to see what we're doing in first grade!

Friday, August 20, 2010

The First Week is a SUCCESS!

We made it through our first full week of first grade! What an amazing bunch of first graders we have in our class family! We have worked hard this week learning about patterns, vowels, sight words, imaginary cows, adding, calendar, "Needs" and "Wants", listening and following directions and taking care of members of our classroom. We have made it through one whole week of big-kid lunch time, hot recesses, earning "3's" in our Specials classes (yay!) and Mystery Scrap! We learned some important words this week. Ask your child to tell you what "Importatnt", "Respect", "Needs" and "Wants" all mean. We even had our first FIRE DRILL and we did AWESOME! I am so proud of our first graders. They all deserve an extra hug this weekend for a job well-done on their first full week of first grade!

Be sure you read our Friday Newsletter that is coming home tonight. It is full of important information that you need to know! Please help your child remember that next week is the First Grade's "Stuffed Animal Week". A letter is coming home in your child's green Home Folder about that. We also had our PTO fundraiser kick-off assembly this afternoon. Have you child tell you all about it!

Have a wonderful weekend together! Be sure your child gets plenty of sleep and lots of time to play and be a kid! They have worked hard and deserve a break so that they can come back on Monday ready to do it all again!

As always, never hesitate to give me a call or drop me an email if you have any questions or concerns!

Monday, August 16, 2010

First Full Week, Here We Go!

Monday=B Tuesday=C Wednesday=D Thursday=A Friday=B

Welcome back! It's our first full week of first grade and we are off to a super start! Today we learned about syllables. Check your child's memory to see if they can tell you what syllables are! Test them further to see if they can tell you how many syllables are in their name and in the names of different family members! We are finishing up our paper people. Come by later this week to check out our creative side on display! Our class is doing an AMAZING job working together and helping each other. I am so proud of their hard work. First grade is a BIG change from Kindergarten and our kids are doing FABULOUS! Don't forget to send your child to school in gym shoes on PE days (B and D days) and Library books come back to school on C days! Let's have a wonderful week of learning galore!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Day of School Is Here!

We did it! Our first graders made it through their first day as official first graders. We had a busy morning organizing our supplies and meeting new friends in our class family. We had a chance to check out our new big-kid playgroud before it got too hot AND we got to create a puzzle piece that represented each one of us! There is so much to do and I can't wait to see all of my friends again tomorrow! Have a fun afternoon!