Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We're working like mad to wrap up 2010!

Hi friends! It has been a while since we've posted last and we apologize! We have been working our tails off in first grade getting ready to wrap up our SECOND quarter! We have been learning many new things. We have learned about contractions since our last post. Have your child teach you about contractions (hint: they should be able to tell you that a contration has an apostrophe!). We continue to work on ABC order to the second and third letter! Today we even had to alphabetize words to the FOURTH letter! WOW. We are mastering counting like groups of money and subtraction just in time for our test next Thursday! Extra practice at home having your child write their numbers by 5's and 10's will help them a great deal. Also, continue helping your child learn coin value and identification by providing them like groups of coins. They can sort, count, or hunt for various coins in a group. If you child has mastered this already, challenge them by having them count mixed groups of coins.

If your child is participating in AR at this point, please be sure you have them read their AR book to you nightly and remember the BOOK TALK. Their scores on these tests truly reflects if they have an understanding of the book they have read. Remember that reading is much more than knowing the words on the page, we want our kids to understand what they are reading, too!

We have another week of 100% return on our Power Drill! Way to go! We continue to be the only first grade class with this turn out, weekly. I am so proud of our kids for being responsible and getting their homework done on time. Great job!

Your child has traveled to Mrs. Keister's writing class last week and learned about letter writing. This week our kids are traveling to Mrs. O'Toole's science class. Ask them to tell you about the things they are learning in science this week.

A few heads up for the last few weeks of school in 2010:

1. Next Wednesday the 15th our class will be going to the Holiday Shoppe! Envelopes and a letter about the holiday shoppe came home last Friday. If you choose to participate, please return your envelope and money by next Wednesday morning.

2. Our Holiday Party will be on Monday December 20th. A letter will be coming home soon about the party and supplies that we are in need of to make it another wonderful experience!

3. Polar Express Day is Tuesday December 21. All first graders will gear up for winter break with this magical and wonderful day, focused around this classic story. More information will be coming home soon! Get your pajamas ready!

Thank you again, for your continued support and work at home. As we wrap up this second quarter, I am so proud of our kids for all of the accomplishments they have achieved!

Oh, and don't forget that tomorrow DECEMBER 9th is LIBRARY! Bring your books back!