Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, Monday

Monday =C Tuesday =D Wednesday =A Thursday =B Friday =C

It was great to see my first grade friends today! We started our morning writing in our journals about our weekend. There was lots of fun had by our friends. We continued to work hard with short /a/. Be sure to look at this week's spelling words on our webpage. Have your child practice writing them, reading them and hunting for them around their house. Make flashcards, write them in shaving cream, play guess the word, just surround your child with these have-to-know first grade words! We worked on writing complete sentences this morning. Ask your child to tell you what 4 things they need to have to make a sentence! We read a book called Sad, Sad Dan. Your child should be able to retell you the story about Dan the tiger. Ask: "Why was Dan sad?", "Who was Pam?", "What did Pam do for Dan?", talk about how Dan felt at the beginning of the story and at the end of the story.

In math, we continued to work on adding. We used colored clothes pins and links to create number sentences (3 + 5 = 8). It would also be very helpful if you could have your child practice writing their numbers each day. Give them several easy math problems at dinner (sums less than 10) and keep them thinking!

Today was a Library day. Many of our friends remembered their books. If your child forgot their books, don't worry! They are welcome to bring them back tomorrow. Just remember to check our newsletter and website regularly if you are unsure of our letter day. We will return to the Library again on Friday, so mark your calendars!

Your first graders is bringing home their first Homelink for math. Homelinks provide parents with the insight to what we worked on today in math. Your child is expected to complete their Homelink, have a parent/adult sign it and return it tomorrow. If they hand it in tomorrow, it is worth 10 stars on their Starcharts!

As always, never hesitate to let me know if you need anything. Have a great night together. Stay safe and cool!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Full Week Under Our Belt!

Specials for the remainder of the wekk:
Wednesday = D Thursday = A Friday = B

Today marks our first full week of first grade! Yippee! The kids are adjusting very well to their new surroundings and long days. I am so proud of them! It is my hope to update our blog daily to keep you all in the know. I am working hard to learn all about my new class family and discover all of their strengths. Our first graders have spent this week taking several assessments in order to help me learn their needs and develop ways in which to indivualize their learning. Next week, we should be off and rolling with first grade. We have spent the first week learning routines, making new friends and reviewing our Kindergarten skills. Ask your child to tell you about their Star Charts, their morning jobs, the lunchroom, Captain Underpants and Specials. Invite your child to share their favorite part of their day!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Twas' the night before first grade...

It was so fun to meet ALL of my new first grade friends tonight! Thank you so much for coming to Meet the Teacher night. I hope you all went to bed early because our first grade adventure starts tomorrow. We are going to have a blast this year! I hope you are excited. See you tomorrow!