Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Let's Get Ready for a Great Week!

We had some sleepy-eyed kiddos today. After reading the kids' journal entries today, it sounds like everyone had a fun-filled weekend. We started our week reviewing the long I sound. This week's spelling pattern is i_e. Be sure to look for your child's pre-test in their backpack so that you know what words to practice this week. Of course, you can also find them on the sidebar of our blog. If your child already has mastered the words, challenge them to write the words in sentences, or further challenge by having them write a short story using all of the week's spelling words.

In math, we reviewed fact families and then we revisited 2-D shapes. We discovered through working with our blocks that we can create shapes using other shapes. For example, we can make a trapezoid by using 3 triangles. We made a hexagon using two trapezoids. Ask your child to tell you about the designs they created today in our fee exploration. Encourage them to find objects around your house that are: triangles, squares, a rhombus, trapezoid and a hexagon. We are going to be crazy about shapes this week!

A few reminders about what's ahead:
Library Day is TOMORROW!
Literacy Night is WEDNESDAY February 29! Come dressed in your 50's attire!
No School Friday March 9
Spring Break March 12-16

We were having so much fun with shapes this afternoon, I completely forgot to hand out the week's Power Drill! I will be sure to send it tomorrow. Enjoy your evening together! Stay healthy.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bye Bye February...Hello March!

Monday= B Tuesday= C Wednesday= D Thursday= A Friday= B

I hope you are all out and about enjoying this beautiful Sunday! We will say goodbye to February this week, which means spring is right around the corner. I hope your first grader came home and told you all about George Washington last week. This week, we move on to learn about the 16th president-Abraham Lincoln! We will revisit shapes in math, work more on fact families and get ready to wrap up our third quarter. UNBELIEVABLE! Be sure to have your first grader read before they go to sleep tonight! This is our first full week in a while. I can't wait to see everyone back to school tomorrow. Stay healthy and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Back to Work!

Tuesday=B Wednesday= C Thursday= D Friday= A

Welcome back! I hope you all had a restful, extra-long weekend. Thank you so much to everyone for taking the time out of their schedules to come and visit with me for conferences. I truly enjoyed getting to sit down and talk to each one of you about the terrific things your first grader is doing.

We learned about fact families today in math. Ask your child to tell you about a fact family. Remind them that a fact family is only 3 numbers and they are all related. For example, 2, 4, and 6 are a fact family because 2+4=6, 4+2=6, 6-2=4 and 6-4=2! Give your child three related numbers and see if they can come up with two addition problems and two subtraction problems using only those numbers.

In preparation for George Washington's birthday tomorrow, we began learning more about this important American leader. Ask your child to tell you something they learned about him today.

Did your child show you all of their homework? We have a a Power Drill, Homelink, reading homework and this week's spelling words coming home today. The Homelink is due tomorrow and everything else is due by Friday!

Finally, don't forget TOMORROW is PICTURE DAY! We get our pictures taken at 8:50. Have your child be looking sharp. If you are interested in buying a class picture, please be sure to return the slip I gave you at conferences last week.

Looking ahead:
Wednesday the 22nd= PICTURE DAY & Library!
Friday the 24th= Movie Night
Wednesday the 29th= Family Literacy Night 5:45-7:00

Have a great night! Enjoy the beautiful weather that is coming.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Short Week Reminders!

Hi families! The snow filled us with lots of excitement and energy today. We spent our day getting ready for our families to visit our first grade room during conferences this week. Please remember that tomorrow is VALENTINE'S DAY! If your child has not brought their Valentine's Day box to school, please be sure to send it with them tomorrow. We will pass out cards in the morning, too, so if you choose to bring cards please remember one for each member of our class family. If you have misplaced the list, the members of our room are:

Ms. Beverage

Our party begins at 2:30 tomorrow in the activity room across from our classroom. I hope you can join us! Have a warm and safe night.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Freezing Friday

Whew! We made it through another week and we were yet again, busy, busy, BUSY! Our sound of the week was long A and all the ways we can make a long A sound-_ay, ai_, a_e, and a. We had wonderful scores on this week's spelling test! I am so proud of my first graders for working so hard to learn the sound patterns!

With February being dental health month, we talked about dental health this week. Did your first grader bring home a paper toothbrush? Ask your first grader to tell you about our "toothbrushing challenge". We have also worked all week on drafts of a friendly letter to the toothfairy. We finished our final copy this afternoon. Our first graders can't wait to show off their hard work on this darling project!

In math, we learned about even and odd numbers, skip counting by 2's and finally, double addition. Quiz your first grader to see if they can recite their doubles (2+2, 3+3, 4+4...). Remind them that answers to double are always EVEN!

Are you working on your Valentine's boxes? Your first grader is welcome to bring their box on Monday. Please remember that our party is Tuesday. We will distribute Valentine's on Tuesday.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at conferences next week. Thank you so much for all of your for getting your confirmation slips back to me. Have a warm and cozy weekend. See you all next week!

Looking ahead to next week:

Monday= C Tuesday=D
Early dismissal Wedensday at 1pm
No School Thursday, Friday or Monday the 20th!
Movie Night is Friday February 24!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday= B Tuesday= C Wednesday= D Thursday= A Friday= B

Oops! I must be tired because I forgot to send this week's homework tonight. I am so sorry. We have reading, Power Drill AND Jump Rope for Heart information to send home. I promise I will send it all tomorrow. We were so excited to read some more of our Flat Stanley adventures, we completely forgot about homework. Enjoy a night off.

Did your first grader remember to return their Flat Stanley blue sheet? We are going to begin making our flat selves tomorrow. Have your first grader give you a summary of our Flat Stanley chapter book so far. They love this story!

We are learning all of the ways we can make a long a sound this week. Have your child tell you how we can make long a (_ay, ai_, a_e, a). Be sure to start practicing your child's spelling words with this same pattern this week. The list came home today and the words are also posted on this blog!

In math we reviewed counting by 2's. We also learned about even and odd numbers. We will begin learning our double addition facts this week and this spring board will help us master this concept. Your child is bringing home a Homelink tonight, be sure to help them work through recognizing their even and odd numbers.

Have a wonderful evening! I can't wait to see you at conferences next week!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Rainy Wrap-Up

Somehow it is already Friday! I hope you are all warm and cozy and settling back into the winter that Mr. Groundhog predicted was coming. Your child is coming home with LOTS of things in their backpack tonight. We did a major desk clean-out. If you notice lots of unfinished papers, encourage your child to complete some of them at home. The amount of unfinished work in their pile will indicate how well your child is doing at getting their work done in class. Encourage them to use their work time wisely!

Your first grader has several homework assignments over the weekend:

1. Please check the conference confirmation note and return it on Monday with your child. If the time I scheduled for you does not work, just let me know and we will find another time!
2. Please help your child create their Valentine Box. Your first grader will need to decorate a box to collect all of their Valentine's in at our party on the 14th.
3. Finally, there is a blue letter coming home about our upcoming Flat Stanley project. Please read the letter and return it with an address of someone you would like me to send your child's Flat Stanley to. We will be making our flat people here at school. I simply need the name and address of a person whom you would like me to send your child's project to. Thanks so much!

We learned so much this week! Cause and effect, adjectives, long e sounds, suffixes, breaking down numbers to find teams of 10, map skills, and much, much more! Celebrate all your child has learned. Please help them get plenty of rest and stay healthy this weekend.

Looking ahead to next week:
Monday=B Tuesday=C Wednesday= D Thursday= A Friday= B

I look forward to seeing you all at conferences in two weeks! Have a great weekend.