Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Final Slideshow!

Thanks for an AMAZING year! I miss you already. Be in touch and have a wonderful summer! Love ya!
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Graduation TOMORROW!

Tomorrow is our Graduation! Please be sure to read the yellow note in your child's backpack tonight about tomorrow's First Grade Awards Ceremony. We will begin our program at 2pm in the commons. We would love to have you join us at that time. Please help your first grader look extra-specially nice tomorrow for the festivities. This is a big deal! Also, please have your child remember to bring their backpack to school both tomorrow and Monday. We will be sending home LOTS of materials and they will need a way to transport everything. I can't believe we are down to the final two days. Celebrate your first grader and all they have accomplished this year. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Buddy Picnic TOMORROW!

Hi families! Just a reminder that tomorrow we will be going on our Buddy Picnic to Celebration Park. Please have your child bring a sack lunch and an unbreakable drink. We will load the buses at 11 and return to school by 1. You may also want to put sunscreen on your child and make sure they wear comfy shoes to play in! Also, tomorrow will be our last day of Library. Please search high and low around your house for any Sunflower Library books. Holler at me in the morning if you have any questions. Have a super evening!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Field Day Slideshow and Final Week Reminders!

Monday= A Tuesday= B Wednesday= C(LIBRARY BOOKS!) Thursday= D Hi families! We are in our final countdown of first grade! Unbelievable! I hope you have taken a few minutes to watch the most recent slideshows of all the fun activities we have had as we wrap up our year together. I hope Mrs. Godwin sent home a note today about our Buddy Picnic on WEDNESDAY. We will be going on a picnic with our third grade buddy class on Wednesday May 16 to Celebration Park. We will board the bus at 11am and return to Sunflower at 1pm. You are welcome to join us for lunch if you are able. Your child will need to bring a sack lunch and unbreakable drink on Wednesday. Tomorrow we welcome our friends from the Sheriff's Department to give us a lesson about safety and 911. Finally, don't forget that Friday is our First Grade Award's Ceremony and Graduation at 2pm in the Commons. We hope you can make it. We are going to be so, so busy as we make the most of these last few days together. Enjoy the slideshow below!
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Field Trip to Ernie Miller

These are from Tuesday's trip to Ernie Miller Nature Center! What a beautiful day. Enjoy!
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Friday, May 11, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Field Day Tomorrow!

What a week! Our class has been running around like mad trying to wrap up all of our have-to-do-things on our list. Tomorrow we are looking forward to a day of FUN and just being together! It's FIELD DAY! We will spend our morning buddied up with our third and fourth grade friends and we will be rotating through all sorts of different activities and games. We will have our annual tug-o-war, bean bag tag, dance party, snowcone station and the inflatables will be here, too! It is such a fun end-of-the-year celebration. I am anxious to spend the day with the kids just getting to play and have fun. Please be sure to send your child to school tomorrow with TENNIS SHOES and sunscreen. We will be outside the majority of the day and it is supposed to be sunny and beautiful. Also, if you could, please have your first grader wear a Sunflower t-shirt. I know we just wore our brown shirts on our field trip on Tuesday, so if it hasn't found the wash yet, don't worry. We would just like to encourage all students to wear their Sunflower shirts with pride tomorrow as we celebrate a wonderful school year. Also, please have your child bring a sack lunch and unbreakable drink. We will be eating as a whole school out on the playground at 11:30. If you can join us, we'd love to have you. It's pretty neat to sit on the playground on Field Day and look at the entire school family sitting and eating together. The kids have worked their tails off this week while I wrapped up all of my individual assessments. I am so proud of them. Right before my eyes, they have turned into second graders. I am beginning to feel very sad about letting them go. I sit here and am dumbfounded that next week will be our final week together in this wonderful, quirky class family that we have become. Wow, where did the time go? Give me a call in the morning if you have any questions. I plan to be in my room early and gather all of my energy for the wonderfully exhausting day that lies ahead. Have a great night!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Madness

Monday= A Tuesday= B Wednesday= C Thursday= D Friday=A Hi families! I am so sorry for the late post. I had to leave school early today with a sick little boy of my own. It was a morning of craziness! Did your child tell you about our visit from Happy Bear today? Ask your child to tell you what they learned from Happy Bear about "welcome touches" and "unwelcome touches". Hopefully your first grader has already shared what they learned from our friendly visitor today. Did you remember that TOMORROW is our field trip to Ernie Miller???? I sure didn't! It snuck up on me! Tomorrow (Tuesday 5-8-12) we will be boarding the bus for Ernie Miller Nature Center around 8:45. Please have your child wear their brown Sunflower t-shirt, comfortable shoes and have them bring a sack lunch. Also, you may want to put sunscreen on your child as we will be outside for several hours. If you would like to join us for lunch, we would love to have you meet us at the picnic shelter at Ernie Miller around 11:45. We should be wrapping up our program at that time. We plan to have lunch and play in the grassy area for a while. If you would like to join us and bring some balls or frisbees from home, that would be a fun addition to our free-play. We are scheduled to return to school around 1:15 to make it to Specials by 1:30. I plan to be in my classroom extra early tomorrow if you need to talk to me. Feel free to call me before 8am. Isn't it impossible to believe that there are only 2 Monday left in our school year? Please encourage your child to continue to work hard and help them do their best during these last 2 weeks by keeping them on a regular schedule and ensuring they get plenty of sleep. Our schedule at school is going to be all topsy-turvy, so a routine at home will help keep them at their best! Have a great night! Don't forget to send your child in their BROWN T-Shirts TOMORROW!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

First Grade Leaders

Your first grader was a wonderful host today for our Kindergarten friends. I was so proud of their hard work and effort to make their new friends feel comfortable in this crazy first grade environment. We spent the day practicing, hosting and planting flowers with our Kindergarten friends. I was so proud of them! If you can, please have your first grader bring a blue flower tomorrow to plant in our flag garden! You may also want to send your child to school in clothes that can get dirty, as we will be digging and playing in our garden to welcome Spring! Have a great night!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How Crayons Are Made...

When I was little, I used to LOVE this Mister Rogers episode on how crayons are made. Our story this week is a non-fiction piece about how crayons are made. I thought your first grader might enjoy seeing for themselves what we read about today. Enjoy! http://pbskids.org/rogers/video_crayons.html

Mid Week Check-In

Happy Wednesday! We have officially pushed our end of the year chaos button already. We are busy, busy, busy! Tomorrow we will be hosting all Kindergarteners for a "Mock First Grade" experience. Our first graders will have an opportunity to be a first grade leader for our Kindergarten friends. Please encourage your first grader to be a good role model tomorrow for the Kindergarteners that they will host. Did your first grader bring home a note about Flower Day yesterday? If you could provide your first grader with a BLUE flower, we will be planting our patriotic garden on Friday. We would love to have any blue annuals brought to school tomorrow. I had to get flowers for my daughter and found a 6-pack of bluish/purplish flowers for $1.68 at Walmart. It is our hope that each first grader will have an opportunity to plant something in our raised flower bed on Friday. Thank you so much for your continued help and support. In math we have been working with 100's charts, continuing telling time to the half hour and fractions. Extra practice and review at home helps a great deal! Thank you so much for all you do. We read our non-fiction story today "At the Crayon Factory". Your child should be able to tell you a step-by-step process of how crayons are made. It is pretty interesting! Looking ahead, here are some important events/days coming up. Mark your calendars! 1. Today = Dominoes Pizza Night 2. Thursday= Mock First Grade (host Kindergarten) 3. Friday= Movie Night! 4. Monday 5-7= Happy Bear 5. Tuesday 5-8 = FIELD TRIP! 6. Friday 5-11 = FIELD DAY! 7. Tuesday 5-15 = Talent Show! 8. Wednesday 5-16 = Buddy Picnic with third grade 9. Friday 5-18 = First Grade Awards/Graduation Ceremony 2pm 10. Monday 5-21 = LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (boo hoo) WOW! We have a lot coming up. Please help your child get plenty of sleep. We will be off our schedule quite often and we want all of our first grade friends to stay happy and healthy. Holler with any questions. Have a great evening!