Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

MOOOOsical Tomorrow!!!

It's the night before the first grade musical!!! Did your first grader come home exhausted from their afternoon of rehearsal? The big show is tomoorrow night at Wheatridge Middle School. The show begins at 7pm BUT our first graders will need to arrive by 6:15-6:30 for make up and costumes! A letter went home from Mrs. Neely telliing our characters what they need to wear. Just in case you forgot here is a list of our classmates need to wear tomorrow night: Pigs = Wear pink clothes: Jake, Katie, Emmy, Addy, Bryce and Gavin E. Cute Chicks = Wear yellow or white dresses or skirts and blouses: Presley, Emma, Abigail Sheep = 2 pair of LONG black men's socks: Tyler, Jillian, Troy Goats = Gray sweat pants and sweatshirts: Grace Dogs = Wear brown clothes: Brayden and Landon Cats = Wear Gray, Black or White shirts and pants/short: Gavin M. Barnyard Singers = Girls wear denim skirts and white shirts, Boys wear jeans and any plaid shirt: Avry, Chloe, Addison McC, Addison McG Rooster= Wear RED!: Isaiah Farmers = Wear overalls and a white shirt: Ashton and Chase It's going to be a darling show!! See you there!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Earth Day Celebration TOMORROW!

Hi everybody!! Just a quick reminder to tell you that your first grader has three requests for tomorrow: 1. Please have your child wear blue, green, brown or yellow if possible 2. Please send your child with a sack lunch. They will also be able to purchase a sack lunch from school. Either PB&J or Turkey 3. Have your first grader bring an old book that they no longer want. The Specials Teachers are planning on have a book exchange during specials time. We will still squeeze in our spelling test in the morning, but we have a jam-packed day of art, activities and learning! Stay warm tonight!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday Check-In

Happy Tuesday everyone!! I hope you are enjoying this sunny day...here are a few things to plan for this week: On Friday, Sunflower will be celebrating Earth Day. We are inviting all students to wear blue, green or brown on Friday to look extra "earthy". We will also be having an all-school picnic lunch (weather permitting) and so we ask that all students bring a sack lunch on Friday. Our cafeteria will also be providing sack lunches for the kids if you prefer to have your child purchase a lunch. They may choose from PB&J or Turkey Subs. We are down to just over a week until our FIRST GRADE MUSICAL!!! Is your child practicing at home? It is sure to be a darling show. We will be practicing a LOT this week and next...Can't wait to have you see it! We wrote math stories with missing addends. Ask your child to retell their original story to you and see if you can solve it. Later this week we will be learning about FRACTIONS!!! I think I see edible math in our future to go with our fraction lessons...Yum! Finally, we are getting closer to our May 2nd field trip to the zoo and I am still missing some permission slips. Please double check that you have sent yours in. It is going to be a super-fun day. Have a great evening.

Sound of the Week...the kids LOVE this! Enjoy!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday is here!!!

Happy Friday families! We had a better day today in first grade, although there was a lot of exctiement as we approach our State Testing next week for our third and fourth graders. We had a wild assembly this afternoon with singing and pinatas, so the kids were officially wound up on their way home. They should sleep well tonight! In all of the activity of this afternoon, the kids did not get a chance to pick up their mail, so Friday Home folders will have to come home on Monday. Thank you for understanding. We completed our Science/Art project today. Have your first grader tell you about what they have learned about ocean animals. Next week will be learning about ponds and streams as we approach Earth Day, then it is on to the desert, jungle and savanna. I love or habitat unit!!! If your child has a large amount of paperwork coming home stuffed in their backpack it is because we had a big desk clean out today. The work that your child is bringing home is work they did not finish in class. You may want to choose several pieces to work on at home for extra skill work. Be sure to get out and enjoy the upcoming beautiful weekend. With the weather changing, we have seen some tummy aches and sore throats. Please help your child get plenty of rest as they adjust to their spring schedules so that we can have continued success in our classroom! Thank you so much. Have a great weekend! Looking ahead to next week, here is our Specials rotation: Monday = D Tuesday= A Wednesday= B Thrusday= C Friday= D

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Fever?

Hi families! Well the weather must be changing, cause we had a tough day in first grade!!! I need your help...we had a hard time in our classroom today accross the board. We struggled today as a whole with following directions, being kind and respectful and being a good friend. Please talk with your child about their day today. We had lots of tears, arguements among friends and hurt feelings throughout the day. We are going to work harder to earn our zoo trip and show kindness and respect to others. Please continue to help your first grader transition into their spring activities by allowing them with lots of rest. Thank you so much in advance for your continued support. On a lighter note, has your child come home talking about the Zones of the ocean? We are learning about the ocean habitat and have become experts on the 3 zones of the ocean. Ask your child to tell you what they know about the Sunlight Zone, Twilight Zone (ne-ne-ne-ne) and the Midnight Zone (scary!)...next week we are one to a new habitat! In math we have been working hard on figuring out the missing addend in story problems. Tomorrow we are going to try our hand at writing our OWN story problems and seeing if our friends can figure them out. This has been a week of non-fiction stories in our classroom. Have your child tell you about "Amazing Animals". They should be able to tell you some pretty amazing facts about different animals and the features these animals have to help them survive. The kids tried their hand at writing an informative fact book about animals today...be looking for it to come home tomorrow. There are some amazing writers in our classroom!! Get some rest tonight and enjoy your first grader...