Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Boy, oh boy...your first grader is coming home with LOTS of treasures today! Be sure to set aside a little time over break for your child to tell you all about their creations from this week. We have been letting our creative juices flow this week and I know they are anxious to showcase their work with you. Remember, we do not have school for the remainder of the week so that you may all enjoy time together this Thanksgiving. Enjoy your holiday. Please remember that this Thanksgiving I am so thankful for your precious children. They brighten my days more than you can know and I am grateful to you for sharing them with me. Be well. Be thankful. Be happy. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Pajama Day TODAY!!

Don't forget that your first grader can wear pjs today in celebration of the book fair's last day. Our amazing Castle Read-a-Lot will close today at 12:30. This morning is Pastries With Parents, as well. Double bonus: you don't have to get your child dressed or give them breakfast at home! Come to school in pjs and enjoy pastries together while you take one last look around the book fair! See you soon!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Twas' the Week Before Thanksgiving Break and things are getting CRAZY!!!

Happy Sunday families! SO much is happening this week, so hold on to your hats! First, Book Fair starts this Wednesday! Our beloved Mrs. Preston does such a amazing job with our book fair, please plan to come and check it out starting on the 19th! Our book fair will remain open with lots of special events throught the week, so be ready! Here is a quick list of things on our first grade schedule this week: 1. Book fair starts Wednesday 2. Holiday Meal is Thursday come have lunch with your child if you are able. Our class now goes to lunch at 11:02 sharp! 3. FIELD TRIP on Friday! Don't forget we are loading up at 8:30 sharp Friday morning and heading to the city for some fun in Crown Center. Don't forget your Sunflower t-shirt and sack lunch! 4. GRANDPARENTS and Special Friends day is also Friday...when we return from our trip at 2:30, grandparents are welcome to join our class and share a story they enjoyed from their youth. 5. Movie Night Friday! I am tired just thinking about all of the festivities in the next 5 days. Stay healthy! Get rested! Let's have a wonderful week! See you soon!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Red Name Cards Coming Home Today...

CAR LINE UPDATE: Today your child is bringing home a red paper with the last name and first name. Their assignment is to give it to you tonight. Mrs. Tann is asking all parents to leave the red name cards in their cars so that when or if, your child is ever a car-rider you put the sign up in your window. In attempt to improve the fluidity and safety of the car line, we are adding this component as a new measure. Thank you so much for your help in making this transition as smooth as possible. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great evening!

Fall Fun slideshow...Sorry for the delay, ENJOY!

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Growing Beans HD Timelapse

We are back in action!!!

Hi families! I am SO sorry for the delay in updates and posts...the Blogger site has not been working correctly over here and I have not been able to update our posts in a long time! There is SO much to update...where to begin??? First, thank you to EVERYONE for your help and support in making our basket auction a huge success last week. Our kids directly benefit from the proceeds, so from the bottom of our hearts--THANK YOU! The next two weeks are going to be jam-packed full of activities, excitement and challenges. Here are some upcoming reminders: 1. TOMORROW November 12 is PICTURE RETAKE Day! If you were unhappy with your child's pictures, tomorrow is your chance to try again! 2. This week is our annual FOOD DRIVE. Your child brought home a paper sack last Friday and if you could return it with any non-perishable items to donate to our local food pantry, it would be very appreciated. 3. Next week is our amazing BOOK FAIR! All week there will be different activites and opportunities for you to come check out our fabulous fair. Mrs. Preston does a wonderful job and the proceeds from our Book Fair directly benefit our already-awesome library. Stay tuned for an agenda of next week's activities. 4. REMEMBER next Friday November 21 is our FIELD TRIP (finally)! Has your child come home and told you they are pumpkin farmers? Or beanie baby parents? We have been learning about plant lifecycles in first grade and are growing science in our window as we speak. Have them tell you about their pumpkin babies and their bean babies. We will keep you posted on any new developments in our plant lifecycle experiment. Great pictures to come...That is, if the website cooperates! Today, we have spent a big chunk of our day talking about Veterans. Be sure to ask your child about who Veterans are and what they do or have done for our country. Bundle up...just like that, it feels like winter. Enjoy your evening together! Stay warm and cozy!