Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, February 23, 2015

A Message from our PE Teacher...LAST WEEK FOR JUMP ROPE FOR HEART!!

This is the last week we will be practicing our jump rope skills! The 1st graders are doing GREAT! Long rope, short rope, and this week we will practice on the Chinese Jump Ropes. Its been so fun watching everyone improve! We have watched expert jumpers on videos, had a great guest speaker, and learned about eating healthy foods! What a month of fun! Many have already turned in their collection envelopes or are working to get donations online. Its not too late! If you want to log in and make a donation on line or send emails to friends to get donations go to: http://www.heart.org/jump This Thursday we will celebrate with all the students who have online donations:) Friday we would like to have all donations in, if possible. Thanks for celebrating this February with us, Amy VanRheen

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Tomorrow's Activities! Please read!

I hope you are staying warm on this cold day! I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow morning is PICTURE DAY! If you would like a specific background, please make sure to turn in your picture form to me when your student arrives at school. Also, tomorrow we will be taking a MINI field trip during our specials time (1:30-2:30) to Wheatridge Middle School to watch the second graders perform their dress rehearsal for their musical taking place tomorrow night. This will help our first graders see what it is like to perform on the big stage for our upcoming musical in April! Please contact me if you have any further questions. I am also writing to ask if anyone is willing or able to donate more dry erase markers to our classroom, our kids would be SO grateful! We are out of Expos and use them daily so we are having to share. Thank you in advance for your support. Don't forget to get all gussied up tomorrow for Spring Pictures! Too bad it doesn't actually FEEL more like spring! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2 Things...

Happy Tuesday, families! Your child is bringing home 2 things tonight: 1. Their math homework! I wanted to give them a chance to work more on the skill before sending it home and so it is coming home tonight. Please help your child practice being responsible by having them return it by this Friday. As we get into our third quarter, I am going to expect that homework is turned in more regularly. 2. Their PINK class list for Valentine's Day. We will be having a Valentine's Day breakfast celebration on Wednesday February 12 at 8:30. We will be making our goodie bags here at school this year (in an attempt to keep it simple for YOU). Your child is not required to bring in Valentine's for their classmates, but I do ask that if you choose to have your child pass out Valentine's please include each member of our classroom. The names of our class family members are included on the pink page they are bringing home tonight. Let me know if you have any questions. As always, you are welcome to attend the party with us next week. Conference confirmation slips will be coming home this week, too. Thank you for everyone who returned their slip! Stay warm and cozy tonight...I hear the snow is headed our way.