Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mock First Grade

Also, with all of the chaos of the field trip Plan B, I forgot to tell you that today your child hosted the Kinders to get them EXCITED for first grade.  Be sure you have your child tell you about Mock First Grade and what they did with their kindergarten friends.  We had extra flowers so if you child chose to, they brought one home for themselves.  Thank you to my alum parent, Mr. Bojanski, for his generous donation of awesome first grade BLOOMS.  Be sure to have your first grader tell you about their favorite parts of this experience tonight as the rain rolls in.  Six days and counting....YIKES!


Happy field trip eve everyone!!!  I hope you have gotten my note and emails about the change in plans for tomorrow's trip.  Mother Nature has struck again and in order to make sure our kids get their field trip before year's end, we had to resort to Plan B.  Instead of the Zoo tomorrow we will be going to the Great Mall of the Great Plains and watching HOME (rated PG) at 9:30 am.  We will eat our sack lunches in the food court and then go to play Cosmic Golf at 12:00.  We will return to school shortly after 2:00.  Thank you for your understanding as we tried to put together a last minute day of fun for our kids who have worked so hard.  Please let me know if you plan on joining us.  Thank you so much. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Field Day Update...

It looks like our annual field day will be held completely indoors today, due to the rain.  BUMMER!  It is going to be a great time.  Just want to keep you updated that we will be having an ALL-SCHOOL indoor picnic and our lunch time WILL BE MOVED TO 12:00!  Plan on having a worn out firstie tonight.  Field day is awesome.  Pictures to come....