Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday check-in...

Happy Sunday families! I hope you are all healthy and happy at your house! Unfortunately, I have a sick baby at my house and will not be at school tomorrow to see my favorite firsties. We have a very exciting week ahead as we prepare to celebrate 100 days of FIRST GRADE! Please be sure to send in a white t-shirt for your child so that we can begin getting our shirts ready for the big 1-0-0 celebration! I can't wait to come back and see my sweet friends...please give your child a hug for me and be sure they get plenty of sleep and keep washing those hands! This bug is a yucky one! Oh yes, and don't forget to send your CONFERENCE SLIPS back ASAP! I am anxious to see you all soon! Enjoy one more beautiful day before winter comes back and settles itself in on us.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday Fun...

Happy Friday, families! I am SO sorry that Friday folders did not get sent home today. I had to leave early this afternoon and the folders did not get handed out in time. Take your weekend to read together but don't worry about homework until NEXT WEEK...I will be sure HOME folders get home on Monday. Thank you for understanding. Did your first grader tell you about our cooking experiment today? This week we read a story called "The Best Apple Crisp in the World". We decided to follow the recipe in the story to see if, in fact, it really was the best apple crisp in the world. It was a great opportunity for us to learn about sequencing and putting things in order, following a recipe and giving our opinion. Be sure to ask your child if they agree or disagree with the title of our story...Was it the best apple crisp in the world? Why or why not? We have also spent this week learning and celebrating the greatness of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Has your child come home and shared any of their new knowledge with you at home? Be sure to ask your first grader what they have learned about Dr. King and what he did that helped us become better as a nation. Finally, please help your first grader get plenty of rest. Strep throat is starting to make its way around the building and we want it to pass us by! We are working hard on good hand washing practice but please ensure that their little bodies are getting plenty of rest so they can stay healthy as we finish our last week in January!

Friday, January 8, 2016

And we're back!

Happy 2016! We have the first 3 days under our belt in the new year here at school and we are off and rolling. What a fun 3 days it has been being back together and making goals for the new year. Your child is bringing home some VERY important information in their Friday Folders today. Please be sure to look through all of the information carefully. We have information coming home about first grade "Chat and Chew", Jump Rope for Heart, January Book-It, January book order, Second Quarter REPORT CARDS and a Schlitterbahn Reading Program Packet! Whew! Please read through the Schlitterbahn Waves of Reading Log carefully and under stand that ANY reading that was done over winter break can count towards minutes read, since the program officially began during winter break. The kids need to read a combined total of 10 hours between December 21 and February 26. All packets MUST be returned by February 26, if you choose to participate. The family letter in the front of the packet explains the expectations and if accomplished, your child will earn one FREE ticket to Schliterbahn Waterpark in Kansas City. I hope that your first grader enjoys the challenge and has an opportunity to celebrate their hard work. Next week, it is back to business as usual. We begin a new math unit, join new reading groups and get down to work. Have a wonderful weekend together, but please remember the importance of rest and routine for your child's success. I am so happy to be back in the classroom with you precious babies. Stay safe, warm and healthy! Start reading!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Kid President AWESOME YEAR Challenge! (Our kids LOVED this!)

Welcome Back!

Happy New Year families! It was WONDERFUL to see my firsties back at school today. I have missed them SO much! We spent our day sharing about all of the fun and memories that were made over winter break. It sounds like a good time was had by all. We reflected about our success last year and learned about the word "resolutions". Ask your first grader to tell you what a resolution is. Your child also spent some time thinking of some new year's resolution of their own. Invite them to share some of their new year goals for themselves! We will continue to talk about our resolutions tomorrow and use our writing to make a New Year craftivity. Can you believe that we have a math test ahead this Friday? Be sure to have your first grader complete their math homework (from before break) and return it to school by Friday. This practice will help freshen the concepts after being on "vacation brain". I am sure your kiddo will be very sleepy this evening. Please help them stay healthy and happy by ensuring they get plenty (or extra) sleep. Getting back into a schedule can be tricky after a break, but it is so important for your child's success. Thank you for all you do to help your child make their last 74 days of first grade (sniff) be amazing.