Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hi families! I am so sorry for the delay in my webpage update. I have been out since last Friday with a sick kiddo. He is feeling better and we are back in full swing here in room 111. Our kids were busy working on fine-tuning their first quarter skills and learning some new things, too! We are wrapping up our first quarter, which seems nearly IMPOSSIBLE! In math our kids have found some super fun computer games to provide them extra practice with their individual needs. Ask your child to tell you about "Fruit Shoot" or "Pattern Train". These games utilize some of our first quarter benchmarks in fun, engaging ways! We continued to use nonstandard units of measure to find lengths of various items in our classroom. Ask your child to tell you what they found in class that was 10 cubes long!

In reading, we contine to work on Sight Word list 6 this week. It is important that your child continues to practice their sight words every night. Not only should they be able to "see it and read it", but they should also be working at spelling them correctly in their writing. Today, we practiced writing our words and THEN tried using our sight words in sentences. WOW!! This was a challenge for some of our kids! Keep practicing those words at home. Spice it up for your child by asking them to use their sight word in a sentence. You may even want them to WRITE their words in a sentence. Challenge GALORE!

Today we also introduced NOUNS! We went on a school-wide hunt to find and label all the nouns we could find. Have your child explain to you what a noun is. Go on a hunt around your house to see how many nouns you can find. There will be TONS! The children were introduced to one of our "Wonderful Website" games called "Noun Balloons". Check out the link and play at home.

Don't forget that next Wednesday is our Zoo Field Trip! We will all leave by 8:30 and return by 3pm. Your child will need a sack lunch and drink. If you requested to ride the bus, I am planning on having you ride with us. It will be a great day! Don't forget your comfy shoes!

Also, we will be having a visiting author coming next Tuesday Oct. 5th. Cowgirl Peg will be here talking (and selling) her books. In her honor, we will be having an all-school WESTERN DAY! Start rounding up your little buckaroo's western gear and get ready for Cowgirl Peg next Tuesday.

Lastly, if you have not already done so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE return your Conference sign-up request. As of today, I have only received 6 back. I will try my best to accomodate your requested slot. As soon as I have them all back, I can lock everyone into a spot.

Thanks so much for your understanding and patience while I was home trying to get my sick kiddo all better. As always, let me know if you need anything or if you have any questions.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wacky Wednesday

We are at our mid-week point and getting into the groove. Today we learned how to use a number line in math to help us solve some tricky addition problems. By turning our finger into a hopping frog, we can hop our way to correct answers! It was exciting to see the enthusiasm grow as the kids realized that the answers to tricky math problems were right at their fingertips. Encourage your child at home to use a number line to help solve math problems that may not be automatic to them yet. It is a great visual and this class responded very well to this helpful math tool!

Be sure you are praciticing sight words at home. We continue to work on list 5 this week. These first grade sight words continue to show up in our daily reading and directions and so your child's mastery of these words will bring them further success and confidence in the classroom. Thank you for your continued support at home!

We had a super-fun lunch bunch today! Hooray to all of my kids who have earned 100 stars and chose to celebrate with a lunch bunch.

Tomorrow is a "D" day, so don't forget your tennis shoes for PE!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Terrific Tuesday!

Busy, busy, busy again today! We kicked off another week of guided reading centers and the kids did a SUPER job at working independently on their different activities! Hooray! Some groups worked on long and short vowel sounds by playing a super cool domino matching game. Other groups worked on making letters out of clay and forming the letter sounds they heard at the beginning of words and played a game about opposites. We all worked on the diagraph "CH" and learned that the "CH" sound can make 3 different sounds. Check your child's memory to see if they can tell you all THREE sounds the "CH" can make.

Have your child show you our "Months of the Year Macaraena". They love it!

Keep working on sight words. I was able to test some more kids today! Great job working at automatic recall at home. Thank you.

Don't forget that tomorrow is Library day!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, Monday!

Monday= A Tuesday= B Wednesday= C Thursday= D Friday= A

We are back on track after our busy week last week! Learning Celebration, picture day and health screening had us busy! Learning Celebration last Friday was a HIT! Hopefully your child came home full of knowledge about the Constitution and good character traits, in addition to coming home tired from playing hard all day. I hope you had a super weekend together and are ready to rock on another week of learning.

Our kids have learned about using the laptops since my last post! We have gotten to check out the school laptops and are learning how to log in and find all sorts of learning games that are teaching us about vowel sounds, ending sounds, story elements, and addition! Have your child tell you about their favorite game they have played on their laptops, so far. They should also be able to tell you their BACKWARDS COMPUTER LOGIN NAME. Don't let them forget the magic number that comes at the end of their backwards name!

I did a sight word check on all of the students who were here today and had their folders. Many of our children have passed lists 6, 7, and 8. If your child is still working to master list 1 or 2, PLEASE find a few minutes each night to help them review. My son and I make a game out of it. Any additional time and support you can provide your child at home will only help them further in the classroom. As a class, we will be studying list 5 this week and using the words from this list in our daily activities. If your student is not yet on list 5, PLEASE continue to help them each night. I always try to do sight word checks on Mondays and Fridays. If there is ever an opportunity to do addtional checks in the middle of the week, I try very hard to squeeze some checks in. These days are scheduled a little bit differently with our reading groups, so there is not as much flexibility. Last week, we were completely off of our schedule due to Learning Celebration and some other activities. Thank you for being patient as we try to juggle all of the jobs we have to do in first grade!

This week we will continue to work on beginning and ending sounds, as well as long and short vowel sounds. We will work on sentence writing using our List 5 sight words. We will continue to work on PT+ (put together add) in math and writing number sentences. We will travel to Mrs. O'Toole's classroom for some super science activities this week and we will finish our Kansas symbol torn art project left over from last Friday.

It is sure to be another busy week. Please let me know if you need anything or if you have any questions. Thanks so much to everyone for getting in their zoo permission slips! Thank you, also, for your help at home! Have a great Monday!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Wrap!

What a day! Your first grader may be tired today because we worked hard! We are wrapping up another great week together. It sure didn't feel like a short week because we were BUSY! Be sure to check the newsletter in today's Friday Folder to get the scoop on what we've been doing in the classroom. For a fun Friday activity, we broke out the shaving cream and worked on spelling CVC words using the same beginning and ending consonants. For example, we used "B _ D" and put a different short vowel in the middle to make FIVE different words (bad, bed, bid, bod, bud). Try this activity at home and see if your child can make five different CVC words with the same beginning and ending sound. "B _ T" is a great pattern to fill in!

We began our warm and cool color project with different shapes. Your child should be able to tell you some "warm" colors and some "cool" colors. Their projects are turning out great.

A few reminders that I neglected to put in the newsletter:
Next Friday is our Sunflower LEARNING CELEBRATION. Your child will be traveling to each of the 4 first grade classrooms for some patriotic activities. They will also be receiving their OWN Sunflower t-shirt for the year! Your child will need to bring a SACK LUNCH next Friday for our schoolwide Learning Celebration picnic on the playground! Please mark your calanders and remember the sack lunch! There will not be lunch choices on this day (9-17-10).

Keep working on sight word lists. I have several students that are already on list 7! SUPER JOB! If your child hasn't passed lists 1 or 2, please help them work on their word list a little each day. Remember, there are 22 first grade sight word lists. We have lots to learn! Help at home is always appreciated!

Have a super weekend! Enjoy your time together. Go Blazers!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday Reminders!

Just a friendly reminder that tonight is Family Math Night! Please come over to school between 5:30-7pm to play some fun math games that you can take home and play together as a family. Hope to see you there!

Also, if you have not returned your fundraiser packet to school please try and return it. It is fine if you did not participate, our PTO officers would just like to have all the packets returned. Thank you so much for your help!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mid Week Check In (already?)!

Today we worked more with main and supporting characters. Your child listened to a story called, WOLF! and then created a character poster of the story. We also made flip charts to help us remember the beginning and the ending of our story. Have them tell you all about it.

In math, we worked hard today on the concept of part, part, TOTAL. Have your child tell you what a TOTAL is (great job to Eli for knowing the definition right away!).

We also had a mystery bag that we used to make predictions. Have your child tell you what surprise visitor was in our mystery bag and see if they can tell you some things about it.

PLEASE remember to send your child's fundraiser packet back to school by TOMORROW
(9-9-10). Even if you did not sell any items, we need the packets back. Your child can earn 10 stars on their starchart for returning their packet.

How is your child doing on their sight words? Your child should have passed list one by now. If they have not, please encourage and help them at home to get going on these lists. Mastering these first grade words helps build confidence in the classroom!

Have a wonderful Wednesday and don't forget to bring your library books back tomorrow!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Welcome Back

Tuesday= A Wednesday= B Thursday= C Friday= D

We're off to a great start of our short week! I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing Labor Day weekend with your families and enjoyed your time together. Our kids are switching gears from weekend mode to school mode and are having a super day. We have introduced this week's new sight word list #3, and many of our children have taken their sight word list tests today. Please be sure you are helping your child practice their sight words each night. When they feel confident, they can return their folder to school and I will test them so that they can move up to the next list.

Thank you to the families who have already returned your zoo field trip permission slips! Please remember that they are due by September 15. Also, a friendly reminder that TOMORROW the fundraiser packets are DUE!!!! Please return your packet to school with your child whether you sold anything or not! All returned packets, whether you sold items or not will be eligable for a drawing for a movie gift card! Thank you so very much!

Have a super rest of the day. As always, let me know if you need anything!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What a wet Wednesday!

Monday= D Tuesday= A Wednesday= B Thursday=C Friday= D

We are staying dry in school this week and staying busy, too! We've been working hard at learning sight word List 2 and trying to understand rhyming words. We have spent the week learning about LABELS. We have labeled things in our classroom and drawn maps of our rooms at home and labeled those, too. We have worked with different shapes this week to identify them and we have been able to create new shapes using basic shapes that we already know! Have your child draw you an "elipse". They will be impressed that you know the fancy first grade word for this basic shape. We continue to work on addition with our PT+ strategy. The children are aware that there are two ways to write a math problem. Have them show you the side by side and the tower way.

Please remember that our school wide fundraiser is going on for one more week. Anything you may be able to sell will come directly back into your child's classroom. Thank you so much for your support.

Don't forget library books come back tomorrow! Have a wonderful, soggy Wednesday!