Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mid Week Check In (already?)!

Today we worked more with main and supporting characters. Your child listened to a story called, WOLF! and then created a character poster of the story. We also made flip charts to help us remember the beginning and the ending of our story. Have them tell you all about it.

In math, we worked hard today on the concept of part, part, TOTAL. Have your child tell you what a TOTAL is (great job to Eli for knowing the definition right away!).

We also had a mystery bag that we used to make predictions. Have your child tell you what surprise visitor was in our mystery bag and see if they can tell you some things about it.

PLEASE remember to send your child's fundraiser packet back to school by TOMORROW
(9-9-10). Even if you did not sell any items, we need the packets back. Your child can earn 10 stars on their starchart for returning their packet.

How is your child doing on their sight words? Your child should have passed list one by now. If they have not, please encourage and help them at home to get going on these lists. Mastering these first grade words helps build confidence in the classroom!

Have a wonderful Wednesday and don't forget to bring your library books back tomorrow!

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