Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Farewell November!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break together. The kids came back full of stories and excitement about their Thanksgiving activities this morning. It was great to see all of my smiling faces and hear about their holiday adventures. I have made another new slideshow for you to watch from various fall activites. We had such a busy and wonderful November, it's hard to believe that we will be welcoming December in two more days!

Some exciting reminders going on at school this week:
1. The book fair is all week. Come by the library to check it out! Your child went to Library today and made a wish list of items that interested them. They should have brought their wish list home today.
2. Thursday is Grandparents and Special Friends Day! If you child has a grandparent or special friend who would like to join them for lunch this Thursday, they are more than welcome! It is a great time for your child to show them the Book Fair and their classroom. I would love to meet these special people in your child's life!

Don't forget that tonight is the city lighting ceremony at Cornerstone Park. Sunflower will be represented by our 4th grade choir. Santa makes an appearance in a fire truck and there is a big countdown to the lighting. It is lots of fun! I would love to see you.

We have just over 3 weeks until winter break! Amazing! Let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful Monday!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday= C Tuesday= D Wednesday= A Thursday=B Friday= C

Happy Monday! Today we were introduced to compound words. Ask your child to tell you what they know about comPOUND words ("pound" is a clue!). We played a matching game, went on a compound word hunt in different books and used picture clues to match and write new compound words. Your child should be able to tell you at least 5 different compound words. Be sure to remind them to tell you the two separate words that are "pounded" together. For example, "birthday"-your child should be able to tell you that "birth" + "day" = "BIRTHDAY"!

We continued to learn about coins. We are working hard to identify both the front and back of each coin (penny, nickel, dime, quarter) in addition to knowing their value. Practice with your child at home by giving them some real coins to use and examine. Then, ask them to name each coin and tell you each value. As a bonus, see if they can name the president on each coin. We did a little research today and found pictures of the 4 presidents on these coins on the internet. Have them show what they know! As additional practice, have your child count LIKE groups of coins. For example, give them 6 nickels to count and ask them to tell you the VALUE of the set (30 cents). Do this same check with pennies and dimes. We are not ready for quarters yet, so let's wait before we try them out!

We also worked with mixed sets of addition and subtraction facts today. We realized the importance of looking at the sign to tell us what to do (addition or subtraction). Continued practice at home helps us find even more success here at school!

We learned a little about totem poles and what they mean to Native Americans. Our class will be creating a class totem pole and we began this project by coming up with a list of symbols that represent us. Ask your child to tell you what they suggested and have them tell you WHY their animal or symbol represents us. We have some great suggestions such as a sunflower, because we go to Sunflower school. A monkey because we talk a lot and are a "wild" class. A lion because we are strong leaders. And a flag because we live in the United States. What great ideas! This will be a fabulous project. I can't wait!

Finally, we heard little peeps coming from across the hall this afternoon! Mrs. Morgovnik's eggs are starting to emerge from their shells. We all traveled across the hall to observe what was happening. Ask you child to tell you about what they saw and heard! How exciting. We made predictions as to how many baby chicks would be hatched by tomorrow. Ask you child to tell you their prediction!

Be sure to check out our "Fall Subtraction Stories" movie from my previous post! We worked long and hard on this writing/math project. Our kids did GREAT! Have a wonderful week!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November!

Monday= B Tuesday= C Wednesday= D Thursday= A Friday= B

Welcome to November in first grade! Is that possible??? I hope you all had a safe and warm Halloween weekend. I was so happy to have all of my first grade friends at school today after a busy night. We jumped right into a new month getting caught up from the chaos of last week! We introduced sight word list ten and found several homonyms on this week's list. Be sure your child knows what "too" we are learning this week, as well as what "four". This can be tricky!

In math this week, we are introducing the concept of identifying and counting like-groups of coins. Extra work at home will help your child a great deal! We began today by sharpening up our skip-counting skills by practicing by 5's and 10's. The more comfortable the children are in this area, the more successful they will be when counting groups of nickels and dimes.

We completed our November calender today. It should find it's way home in your child's backpack. Have your child tell you about the important dates that they marked.

We continued to create, read and interpret graphs today too. We even used our graph to discover some exciting news about me today! Have your child tell you about our graph entitled "How Many Kids Does Ms. Beverage Have?". Your child can tell you their vote and they should also be able to share the real answer. Surprises all around! :)

Don't forget that a new Power Drill is coming home today. As always, your child has until Thursday to hand it in. We are trying to keep up our pattern of 100% completion for our class. We are the only class so far to have had every member earn their way into Power Half-Hour! Keep it up!

Thank you to everyone who sent in goodies for our basket auction! Our "Snow Day" basket turned out to be a good one! We couldn't have done it without your donations. You are the best!

Thank you also to all of my first graders for the beautiful birthday flower pot they surprised me with last Friday! I absolutely LOVE it. You are so thoughtful to remember me on my birthday. Thank you.

One last reminder, please be sure to send your child in a COAT. Now that the weather is getting colder, they are getting more red-cheeked at recess. If the tempreature is above freezing, we go outside so bundle up!

As always, don't hesitate to email or call if you have any questions! Have a great evening.