Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Farewell November!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break together. The kids came back full of stories and excitement about their Thanksgiving activities this morning. It was great to see all of my smiling faces and hear about their holiday adventures. I have made another new slideshow for you to watch from various fall activites. We had such a busy and wonderful November, it's hard to believe that we will be welcoming December in two more days!

Some exciting reminders going on at school this week:
1. The book fair is all week. Come by the library to check it out! Your child went to Library today and made a wish list of items that interested them. They should have brought their wish list home today.
2. Thursday is Grandparents and Special Friends Day! If you child has a grandparent or special friend who would like to join them for lunch this Thursday, they are more than welcome! It is a great time for your child to show them the Book Fair and their classroom. I would love to meet these special people in your child's life!

Don't forget that tonight is the city lighting ceremony at Cornerstone Park. Sunflower will be represented by our 4th grade choir. Santa makes an appearance in a fire truck and there is a big countdown to the lighting. It is lots of fun! I would love to see you.

We have just over 3 weeks until winter break! Amazing! Let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful Monday!

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