Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday Tidbits

It's snowing in our classroom! We finished our symmetrical snowflakes and made them "glisten" today. See if your child can tell you what "glisten" means and ask them to tell you what we added to our snowflakes to make them fancy. Today, we read a different version of "The Mitten" that we had read yesterday. We talked about how folktales have been passed down and how parts of the stories get changed slightly when they are re-told. Today we read Jan Brett's version of The Mitten and had a great time finding out things that were the same between the two versions and also finding the things that were different. In order to organize our findings, we introduced Venn Diagrams and the kids created their own Venn Diagram to compare the 2 versions. This is a tricky concept, but they did great. We went on to compare members of our classroom family and look for ways in which we are different and the same. See if your child can remember you how Eli and Kye were the same or different, or how David and Ms. Beverage were the same or different. Continue this at home by having your child create their own Venn Diagram comparing the similarities and differences between themselves and a sibling or parent. It's a great excercise to get your child thinking on a higher level!

In math we continued to do lots of review. Our first grade goal for this quarter is to write our numbers in order to 100. We did some candy cane math to practice and many of our children earned their 100 prize today. Ask your child to tell you about it.

In art we learned about primary and intermediate colors. Check your child's understanding by asking them to tell you about each one.

Tomorrow wraps up our short welcome-back week. Be ready for the cold air that is supposed to be arriving and be sure your kids are bundled up next week!

Have a great evening!

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