Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Role-Model Wednesday

Greetings! Today was our big "Mock First Grade" day! We hosted all 4 kindergarten classes in our room and did an activity with them to get them excited for first grade. Our kids did a great job as first grade leaders. We spent the morning role-playing for our visitors and practicing our manners. We working on introductions and making people feel welcome. Our kids did a wonderful job! Have your first grader tell you all about it. They are also bringing home a small flower. A HUGE thank you to Katina Holle for finding someone to donate the beautiful begonias that we were able to plant with our kindergarten friends and send home with each one. The flowers have wonderful symbolism. Ask your child to tell you what the flowers stand for.

We continue to review the math goals for this quarter. Our test will be next Tuesday or Wednesday. Help your child strengthen their already concrete knowledge by play the top 10 games under our "Math Games" category on this webpage.

We have been reflecting back on all that we have done in first grade and sharing our MEMORIES. We began a writing "web" that lists out all of the happy memories we have made this year. Ask your child to tell you 3 or 4 things that they wrote on their writing web. We are going to be using this activity to create a final writing project about reflections and memories. Encourage your child to share their memories of first grade with you at home.

Don't forget that THIS FRIDAY May 13 is our annual Field Day! It is a day jam-packed full of activities. Your child will need a sack lunch and tennis shoes. On the chance that it rains, we will have our make-up field day on Monday May 16.

We are on the home stretch on first grade. Please help your child continue on their school routine for a few more weeks. I just can't believe it's nearing time to let my little blooms grow into even bigger flowers. They are a treat to work with each day!

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