Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Terrific Tuesday

Whew! We crammed so much learning into our day. You should have a very tired first grader this evening. We reviewed short /e/ and took a spelling test with short /e/ words. Be sure to check the website and your child's backpack for this week's words. We read a story call "Ten Eggs". Have your child tell you about our story today. Was it fiction or non fiction?

In math we reviewed some of our kindergarten shapes and learned about some fancy new shapes. Ask your child to tell you what a rhombus is. What about a trapezoid? Can they tell you how many sides these shapes have? Ask them to tell you a shape that doesn't have any sides or angles. We got to experiment with shape building blocks today.

In science we continue to learn about the arctic and antarctic regions. We learned something new about the animals that live there. They have BLUBBER. We did an icky-gooey experiment with blubber. Have your child tell you all about it.

Don't forget our zoo trip is on Thursday! We are SO excited to see all of the animals we've been studying throughout our habitat unit. Your child will need to bring a sack lunch and wear their new brown Sunflower t-shirt on Thursday! Here is a link to the zoo's website so that you and your child can take a look at some of the cool exhibits they have there!


Also, don't forget that Friday is an early release day! I had completely forgotten that we are dismissing at 1pm.

I look forward to seeing you next week at conferences! Let me know if you need anything. Have a great summer-like evening!

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