Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday Tidbits

Hi families! Here are a few tidbits to keep you in the loop. We are signed up to attend the Holiday Gift Shop on Wednesday December 14 at 9:30am. There will be information coming home about this Sunflower tradition, but I wanted to let those who may be interested know about the day and time for our kids. Also, next Thursday December 8 is Grandparents Day and the Book Fair. Grandparents or special friends are welcome to come and eat lunch with your child. Let me know if you would like to reserve a lunch for a guest.

We spent a great deal of time in math today working with 10-teams. There is a great games on our website for 10-team practice. Please help your child work on their automaticity of facts whose sum is 10 (1+9, 8+2, 7+3, etc). Each child could benefit by daily practice at home with these teams. We want the kids to have an automatic connection with number pairs that make 10. Repeated practice with this concept helps to build the skill. Try having your child play "Making Tens Math Shoot" under our math game link on this page. This skill-building activity will help your child a great deal with their upcoming challenges.

Are you practicing this week's spelling words? Please help your child work on completing their homework by week's end, too. Power Drills and reading homework went home yesterday!

We made Southwest weavings! Come on by and check out our patterned project. It was tricky, but they turned out beautifully. Your child is an expert on the Native Americans of the Southwest. Have them tell you 3 interesting things about this region. Next stop is the Northwest Coast!

Have a terrific Tuesday. If you get a chance, have your child play our 10-team math for a few minutes!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Welcome Back

Monday = C Tuesday = D Wednesday = A Thursday = B Friday = C

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break together. I enjoyed hearing about your holiday in your child's journal writing today. It sounds like a good time was had by all. I missed my first graders and was so happy to see them coming down the hall this morning.

We are right back into our routine! Spelling pre-tests are coming home today to help you practice this week's spelling words, along with this week's Power Drill and Reading homework. Please help your child practice responsibility and get their homework handed in by Friday. We are working on the /ch/ diagraph this week. Check your child's memeory to see if they can tell you when it is appropriate to use /tch/ for an ending.

It's hard to believe that we will be welcoming December by week's end! Amazing. Tonight is the annual Christmas in the Park. Older students from Sunflower choir will be singing before the lights are set to turn on at 7pm. Bundle up and come on down to the park! Santa arrives in a fire truck just before the lights turn on.

Looking ahead:
December 8 = Grandparents Day and Book Fair
December 14= Holiday Store

Have a warm and cozy night! Welcome back!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful day sharing dioramas and thinking of all the ways we are thankful! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your family. I can't wait to see you back next week! Be safe and be happy! I am thankful for all of my first grade friends!

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More Fall Fun!

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

A few end-of-the-week reminders!

1. Tomorrow is our spelling test! Please help your child practice these have-to-know words with the /sh/ diagraph!

2. Please remind their child to complete their diorama, if they have not already done so. We have had a WONDERFUL turn-out and I want to be sure that all of our friends have an opportunity to showcase their creative skills and knowledge of Native Americans and Pilgrims.

3. Tomorrow night is Movie Night! We will be showing Cars 2. Please join us for a warm and safe activity. Movie Night runs from 6- 9pm here at Sunflower.

4. Next week, we have school on Monday and Tuesday only! Happy Thanksgiving (already??!?!?!)

5. Looking ahead: Christmas in the Park is Monday November 28.
Grandparents day & the Book Fair is December 8th.

Have a warm and cozy night! Practice your spelling words!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fall Scrapbook

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Marvelous Monday!

We had a WONDERFUL parade today. Thank you so much for helping your first grader be prepared for today's parade. The school loved seeing all of the book characters! Ask your child to tell you their favorite character from our grade level parade. I will post some pictures as soon as I can. It was so much fun!

Are you working on your diorama? We are hoping to have them back to school and ready to share by Friday. Please encourage your first grader to work on their setting. If you need a shoebox, give me a call or email me. I have several extra that I would be happy to share.

Power Drills and Reading homework are coming home tonight. Help your child practice responsibility and get them back by Friday. Remember, the Power Drill is your child's ticket to Power Half-Hour on Friday!

I am looking forward to a great last full-week before Thanksgiving. Let me know if you need anything! Thanks for your terrific kids.

Character Parade Today!

Good morning families! Don't forget that today at 3:05 is our book character parade. Your child should bring a costume or poster depicting one of their favorite storybook characters. Don't worry if your child forgot, we will create something at school so that no one is left out.

Hopefully you all had a wonderful weekend. Please join us today at 3:05 for our character parade, if you can!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Wrap

Whew! What a week. We have had a lot of excitement in our first grade this week as we welcomed our 20th classmate! Brandon joined us on Wednesday and we are so excited to have him in our class family. Have your child tell you where our new friend,Brandon, moved from. Welcome Brandon!

We were busy learning some tricky things this week. In math, we began continued addition with 3 addends, began learning about graphs and kept working on story problems.

Our stories this week were Sid Scores and Land of Ice. One was a fiction story, the other was non-fiction. Ask your child to tell you about each story. They may also relay facts they learned from Land of Ice. If you haven't used ThinkCentral yet, you may want to pull the stories up online and read them with your child over the weekend. The stories are getting more challenging and we are working hard on our fluency. Extra practice that goes hand in hand with what we are doing in the classroom always pays off for your first grader!

We learned about compound words this week. WOW! That was a little tricky. Ask your child to teach you about compound words. Over the weekend when you are out and about, encourage your child to hunt for compound words. They should be able to break the word into its two real-word parts. Use a bedtime story to hunt for all of the compound words. Encourage your child to come up with some of their own.

Our spelling test went okay for some of our first graders this morning. They are coming home in your child's backpack. If you child is consistently missing more than 2 or 3 words, please find time to help them practice during the week. These spelling words are centered around a specific spelling pattern for the week. Often, the only way to practice these patterns and words is through drill. Make flashcards, highlight them in newspapers, or just have your child write their words each night. Please help your first grader find greater success with their spelling words by helping them at home.

Don't forget to also help your first grader return their weekly homework. Homework comes home every Monday and is due back by Friday at the latest.

Finally, please remember that MONDAY is the first grade parade in honor of American Education Week. Your child is responsible for coming up with a costume or creating a poster/sandwich board that depicts their favorite storybook character. We have read many books from my "favorite" basket. Help your child complete this assignment this weekend and bring or wear their character representation to school on Monday November 14!

Also, has your child started their diorama? The letter of explanation went home on Monday. The dioramas are due Thursday November 17th. Please take time to talk with your child about things that they can use to create their scene. Thank you so much for your support with this fun fall project at home!

Have a wonderful weekend together! Only one week and 3 days until Thanksgiving. WOW!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Organizer!

Hi families! We had a great Monday back in the swing of things. The rain didn't slow us down too much! Your first grader is bringing home several important papers today. Please be sure to look through your child's backpack with them and have them tell you about the homework projects. Your child is also bringing home this week's spelling words, Power Drill and Reading homework. WOW! We have so much going on with just two and a half weeks until Thanksgiving!

We had M&M math today as we continue to work on adding 3 numbers. Check you child's understanding by giving them 3-addends at home. We are trying hard to look for clubs of five or ten when grouping numbers (3+8+7...I know that 3+7 makes 10 and 8 more is 18).

The sound of the week is /or/. See how many words your child can come up with that have the /or/ sound in the middle. Challenge: ask your child another way to spell the /or/ sound (ore, oor).

Stay warm and dry tonight and encourage your child to get a head start on their homework! Have a wonderful, warm evening.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

Monday=C Tuesday= D Wednesday= A Thursday= B Friday=C

Hi famililes! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Did you remember to set your clocks back? Tomorrow is a library day, so don't forget to help your first grader bring their books back.

It was great to see so many of you on Friday at our Chili Dinner and Auction. I hope you all had a great time together. I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow and start another great week of learning!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chili Dinner and Basket Auction Tomorrow!

Hi families! Don't forget that tomorrow is our much-awaited chili cook-off and basket auction. I hope you will be able to join us for dinner at 5:30 and then stay to see all of the goodies at the live auction, silent auction and yummy bakery auction! It is such a fun time, I hope you will be able to join us.

We have had a terrific week! We have spent this week learning about the tricky /ng/ sound. We found out that if we put one of the vowels in front of the /ng/ we make a whole new word chunk. Test your first grader and see if they can give you some -ing, -ang, -ung or -ong words. We also learned that if the words have the same ending sound, they are a ryhming pair!

We have focused a great deal on Beginning, Middle and Ending. In addition, we are studying "Setting" in stories. These story elements are very important to readers and our ability to understand and retell a story. Ask you child to tell you the beginning, middle and ending parts of today's story "Soccer Song".

On Monday, we had a mini pumpkin festival. Our kids traveled to all of the first grade classrooms for different pumpkin activities. We graphed our height in pumpkins, measured the length and diameter of different pumpkins and we mixed science and art by making a disected paper pumpkin. Our class even used our labeling skills to identify all of the pumpkin parts! Come on by and check out our paper pumpkins on the vine and look at our setting project. Can you guess what setting we created as a class team? The labels will give you a clue. Come on over and take a look at our first grade hall!

In math, we continue our daily problem solving. This week we have also moved on to addition with 3 addends. Give your child a math problem such as 4+3+2=, and see if they can solve it.

If your child has not handed in their math and reading homework that came home on Tuesday, be sure they hand it in tomorrow. We will have our first Power Half Hour for the kids who have returned their Power Drill!

Stay warm and cozy tonight! I will hope to see you tomorrow night at our Chili Dinner!