Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chili Dinner and Basket Auction Tomorrow!

Hi families! Don't forget that tomorrow is our much-awaited chili cook-off and basket auction. I hope you will be able to join us for dinner at 5:30 and then stay to see all of the goodies at the live auction, silent auction and yummy bakery auction! It is such a fun time, I hope you will be able to join us.

We have had a terrific week! We have spent this week learning about the tricky /ng/ sound. We found out that if we put one of the vowels in front of the /ng/ we make a whole new word chunk. Test your first grader and see if they can give you some -ing, -ang, -ung or -ong words. We also learned that if the words have the same ending sound, they are a ryhming pair!

We have focused a great deal on Beginning, Middle and Ending. In addition, we are studying "Setting" in stories. These story elements are very important to readers and our ability to understand and retell a story. Ask you child to tell you the beginning, middle and ending parts of today's story "Soccer Song".

On Monday, we had a mini pumpkin festival. Our kids traveled to all of the first grade classrooms for different pumpkin activities. We graphed our height in pumpkins, measured the length and diameter of different pumpkins and we mixed science and art by making a disected paper pumpkin. Our class even used our labeling skills to identify all of the pumpkin parts! Come on by and check out our paper pumpkins on the vine and look at our setting project. Can you guess what setting we created as a class team? The labels will give you a clue. Come on over and take a look at our first grade hall!

In math, we continue our daily problem solving. This week we have also moved on to addition with 3 addends. Give your child a math problem such as 4+3+2=, and see if they can solve it.

If your child has not handed in their math and reading homework that came home on Tuesday, be sure they hand it in tomorrow. We will have our first Power Half Hour for the kids who have returned their Power Drill!

Stay warm and cozy tonight! I will hope to see you tomorrow night at our Chili Dinner!

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