Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tomorrow Is Learning Celebration!

Happy Thursday! I hope this post finds you warm and cozy on this rainy fall afternoon. I wanted to remind you of a few things for tomorrow: First, we have Library tomorrow so please help your child remember to return their Library books! Second, tomorrow is our LEARNING CELEBRATION!!! This means that we will be celebrating our Constitution and all of the wonderful things about our wonderful country! We have lots of activities planned for tomorrow, one of which is a school wide picnic. Our amazing PTO will be providing all of our Sunflower family with a hot dog lunch. Your child is bringing home a note telling you about this special event. So please be sure to look for it in their backpack tonight. If your child does not wish to eat the free lunch provided, please send them to school with a sack lunch. Finally, don't forget that we will also have to squeeze in our spelling test sometime tomorrow. Be sure that your first grader has practiced their "ck" words and are ready to rock on tomorrow's test! Stay warm and dry tonight. Let me know if you need anything!

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