Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Hi families! Don't forget that tomorrow is our special field trip to the KC Pumpkin Patch! We have asked our first graders to wear black and/or orange tomorrow, instead of our traditional Sunflower t-shrits. Please try to send a sack lunch to school with your child. We will return to Sunflower at 11, but will miss our lunch window so we will be eating in our room or outside. Our Fall Party is also tomorrow at 2:30 and you are welcome to join us, if you are able! It is going to be a VERY busy day. Call me in the morning if you have any questions. Have a great night!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Monday= A Tuesday= B Wednesday= C Thursday= D Friday= A Hi families! I hope you had a wonderful last weekend in October. I can't believe that another monthed is wrapping up for us in first grade. Don't forget that our first graders will be going to the KC Pumpkin Patch this Wednesday October 31! We are asking all of our first graders to wear black and/or orange on this trip. We will return to school for lunch and a little learning time before we have our Fall Party at 2:30. We would love to have you join us for one or both of these special activities to wrap up October. A new spelling homework will be coming home tomorrow. Please be sure to check your child's backpack. I was out last week with sick kids, so I am crossing my fingers that my kids are feeling better this week. Please be sure your children are getting plenty of rest. I don't want them to miss the fun actiivies ahead! Have a wonderful night!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Growing Beans! The kids LOVE this!

Thrilling Thursday!

What a great day we had! Despite the chill in the air the rain all morning we had a super day in first grade! Did your child come home and tell you about their AMAZING report in Library? We had lots of cheers for a job well done. Have your child tell you about our links and how close we are to a class celebration. Don't forget that Spelling Homework is DUE TOMORROW! We also will have our spelling test tomorrow, so be sure to help your child prepare. This week, we read "Beth's Job". We have spent the week talking about beginning, middle, and end. During dinner tonight, invite your child to tell you what happened at the beginning, middle and end of our story this week. Has your child told you about our seed experiment? Be sure to ask them about our baby beans. As part of our unit on plant lifecyces, we watched a video showing a speedy bean plant growing. The kids LOVE it. I will include the clip on the blog so that your child can enjoy it at home and tell you about their observations. We have spent our week in math working on story problems. Have your child tell you the words we learned that make our "brain alarms" go nuts. These are words we look for in a story problem to tell us what function we are going to use. They are bringing home a story problem of their very own today, too. Have them show you their puppy problem. Don't forget that tomorrow is Movie Night. Your child is invited to wear their Halloween costume or pajamas, if they wish. They will be showing Madegascar 3. We would love to have everyone join us! Stay warm and cozy tonight! Don't forget that homework!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

We watched this today! Can you name any other words with "th"?

Tuesday Catch-Up

I am back after being out with a sick kid of my own yesterday. The kids did a wonderful time with our substitute. I hear they were a little sleepy being back in the swing of things yesterday. We have started our second quarter in first grade with story problems in math! The kids are doing great pulling out important information and putting it into play! Have your first grader check out some of the new math games linked on the blog to practice this tricky skill. Since I was out yesterday, the kids did not bring home their new spelling homework. Be sure to check their book-in-a-bag tonight for their new spelling homework. Remember, it is due on Friday of this week! Tonight is our annual Family Taco Dinner and Cookie Pick-Up. If your family sold cookie dough for our fundraiser, TONIGHT is the night to pick it up! Come on over and enjoy a free taco supper while you are here. It is always a great time. This Friday is also Movie Night! Be looking for more information heading your way as Friday gets closer! Enjoy this beautiful weather before the chill returns. Have a great evening. Let me know if you need anything!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Here we go!

Monday= D Tuesday= A Wednesday= B Thursday= C Friday=D Quarter two, here we go! I hope you all had a wonderful break. It was so much fun getting a chance to talk with most of you last week during conferences. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy lives to come and learn about all of the wonderful things your child is doing! We are ready to Quarter 2 to kick off tomorrow. I hope your child is ready to come back to school and hit the books! :) We will be back in our routine tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


What a PERFECT day for our zoo trip! I am guessing that you all have very tired first graders tonight. We had so much fun today, it wore us all out. There was so much to see at the Kansas City Zoo today. Did your child come home and tell you about their favorite part? I want to send a BIG thank you to all of the parents who were able to come along with us. If you took pictures with your group today, please email them to me. I would love to compile a slideshow with everyone's pictures, so when you get a chance send them my way. Don't forget that tomorrow (Friday) is an early release day. We will dismiss at 1pm. If your child's transportation is different tomorrow please let me know via email or call the office in the morning. Also, if you haven't returned your child conference confirmation slip please try to do that tomorrow. I am anxious to see all of you next week for Parent-Teacher Conferences! Finally, if you haven't returned your child's yellow permission slip for our NEXT field trip to the pumpkin patch, please do that at your earliest conveinence. October is full of fun and is going to fly by. Let me know if you have any questions! Can't wait to visit with you next week. Good night!

Friday, October 5, 2012


WOW! What a day...as one of our kiddos said at 3:20, "Boy, this day sure went fast!". I agree! We were jam-packed full of learning and testing and creating and even COOKING! Our story this week was "Little Red Hen Gets Help". We worked hard at comparing and contrasting this story from other versions of this similar tale. We also talked about how important it is to sequence things in order. Ask your child to summarize our story. Just like the characters in the book, we tried our hand at cooking and made a mess! It sure was fun, though! Have your child tell you all about their edible creation. Ask them to compare our cooking experience with the characters in the story "Little Red Hen Gets Help". Your child is also bringing home character puppets from our story for retell homework. Have your first grader use their puppets to retell the story of Little Red Hen Gets Help. If you would sign their baggie and return it to school with them on Monday, they will earn an extra treat! You will notice that your child's spelling test did not make it home this afternoon. I am so sorry! I had meetings during my plan time and did not get them graded in time to send home. They will go home next week. If you would like to know how your child did, just email me and I will let you know! Please be sure to practice sight words with your child. We are getting into a groove of testing kids and many of our students are moving through the lists. Their success strongly depends on the extra support they receive at home, so a big thank you in advance for helping them grow as readers! You will also find another field trip permission slip coming home in tonight's mail. Our Sunflower first graders were generously given a trip to the Kansas City Pumpkin Patch here in Gardner on October 31. Permission slips went home today telling all about it. The kids are free, if you would like to join us the cost is $5 for adults. Let me know if you are interested in meeting us out there. I have some coupons that I would love to share with anyone who is interested! Here are a few upcoming events you will want to mark on your calendar: 1. Thursday Oct. 11--Field trip to KC Zoo 2. Friday Oct. 12--Early Release at 1pm 3. October 15-19--No School, Parent Teacher Conferences! 4. Wednesday October 31--Pumpkin Patch Field Trip & Fall Party at 2:30pm

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday Already?

How is it Wednesday already? We are working so hard to wrap up our first quarter together that the days are flying by. This week we are focusing on Comparing and Contrasting. Ask your child to tell you what comparing means and what contrasting means. Our story this week has been "Little Red Hen Gets Help". Have your child compare and contrast this story with the classic tale of the "The Little Red Hen". In math, we are all about shapes this week! We have reviewed many of our kindergarten shapes and learned about the trapezoid. Ask your child to explain characteristics of: circles, squares, triangles, rectangles and trapezoids. They should be able to give you at least 2 traits of each shape. Check their understanding! I think I finally have everyone's conference scheduled! Be looking for your child's conference confirmation paper coming home tomorrow. Please sign and return it by next week. Speaking of next week, we are down to almost 1 week to the zoo trip! The kids are excited! We have been learning about the savanna this week. Has your first grader been talking about predators and prey? We learned some interesting facts about the creatures that live in this African habitat. Ask your child to tell you something they know about predators and prey. Don't forget to practice spelling words with your first grader! Let me know if you have any questions. See you soon!