Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday Already?

How is it Wednesday already? We are working so hard to wrap up our first quarter together that the days are flying by. This week we are focusing on Comparing and Contrasting. Ask your child to tell you what comparing means and what contrasting means. Our story this week has been "Little Red Hen Gets Help". Have your child compare and contrast this story with the classic tale of the "The Little Red Hen". In math, we are all about shapes this week! We have reviewed many of our kindergarten shapes and learned about the trapezoid. Ask your child to explain characteristics of: circles, squares, triangles, rectangles and trapezoids. They should be able to give you at least 2 traits of each shape. Check their understanding! I think I finally have everyone's conference scheduled! Be looking for your child's conference confirmation paper coming home tomorrow. Please sign and return it by next week. Speaking of next week, we are down to almost 1 week to the zoo trip! The kids are excited! We have been learning about the savanna this week. Has your first grader been talking about predators and prey? We learned some interesting facts about the creatures that live in this African habitat. Ask your child to tell you something they know about predators and prey. Don't forget to practice spelling words with your first grader! Let me know if you have any questions. See you soon!

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