Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Dr. King day!

Tuesday=C Wednesday= D Thursday= A Friday=B Hi families! I am all better and so anxious to return to first grade tomorrow! I hope you enjoyed your 3-day weekend and found time to talk about Dr. King and his influence on all of us. Have you stayed healthy at your house? I hope so! This is an icky bug and I don't want anymore of my first grade family to come down with it. Hopefully you all had a wonderful and healthy weekend! We are going to cram a lot into this short week. Tomorrow we will jump right into the thick of it with new spelling words, new stories, new sounds (-le), new concepts, etc. We will also revisit some of our previously learned skills to make sure they return with us from our long weekend! Tomorrow we have a very special visitor, Mr. Nadler, coming to see us for his annual geographic slideshow. Each year Mr. Nadler comes to see us and tell us all about one of the amazing countries he has visited. Tomorrow, we will get to go along with him to Switzerland! This is always such an amazing presentation. Be sure to ask your child about it tomorrow at supper. We kick our short week off with it being a Library day. Please help your first grader remember their books when they head out the door in the morning. Don't forget that this Friday is also the first grade sponsered Movie Night!!! We will be showing Ice Age 3 and all the proceeds we earn from this Movie Night go directly back to first grade! We would love to have LOTS of families join us. Mark your calendars!!! Finally, looking head, next Monday we will be celebrating 100's day (if you can believe that!). Be looking for more information coming home this week with the details of some of our activities! It's going to be a great week! Keep in touch and let me know if you need anything! Have a great night...stay warm!

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