Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Snow, Snow, Snow...

Wow! Can you believe this snow??? March cannot get here fast enough. I hope you have enjoyed your snow days with your first grader. I know MY first grader is climbing the walls and ready to go back to school. I wanted to remind you all that TOMORROW (February 28) is our Picture Day Make-Up. We will be taking individual and class pictures. If you did not return your picture money, you can definitely send it tomorrow with you child. Be sure to have your child look extra sharp tomorrow for pictures! Hopefully you were able to help you child with some of their homework during the past two days. Did you see the note about Science Day? I will be sending home several more notes about some other things we have going on in March, so be looking for them. One is about a Leprechaun Trap and another is about Flat Stanley. Curious? Be watching your child's backpack for these upcoming projects and activities. We have a lot of catch up to do in order to make up for these unplanned days off, so please help your child transition back into our routine by allowing them plenty of sleep tonight! We will hit the ground running tomorrow. Finally, tomorrow is also a LIBRARY day! Please help your child return their old books so that they can have new books for the weekend! Let me know if you need anything. Enjoy this last snow day....I hope!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

To Snow or Not To Snow?

Hi families! With the pending storm, we are not sure what tomorrow brings. Remember that tomorrow is our PICTURE DAY!!! We will be taking Spring Pictures AND a Class Picture!!! If school is canceled, our pictures will be rescheduled for next week. We will just have to wait and see what Mother Nature has in store for us. Has your first grader said anything about George Washington this week? We are learning all about our first president this week in honor of his birthday on Friday. Invite your child to share some of what we are learning with you tonight at dinner. Don't foget that this Friday is also MOVIE NIGHT! Mark your calendars to be here from 6-9pm as we show Hotel Transilvania! It is always a good time. Let me know if you need anything. Stay warm and cozy and practice those spelling words!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Back to Work!

Tuesday= D Wednesday= A Thursday= B Friday= C Happy President's Day! I hope this post finds you all happy and healthy after a LONG weekend together. I wanted to thank ALL of you for making it to conferences last week. It was so much fun to watch our first grader's shine and allow to to see a snapshot of their days here in room 111. I hope you found time to celebrate ALL that they have accomplished. It is always a pleasure to get to visit with parents and I truly appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedules to come watch your first grader showcase their learning. Don't let this shortened week fool you! We have a lot to cram into the next 4 days. This week will be learning about George Washington in honor of his upcoming birthday this Friday. We have some tricky math concepts ahead this week with figuring out a missing part in a subtraction problem and we have a lot on non-fiction stories to read this week. It's a doozy! Mark your calendars for this Friday's Movie Night, hosted by Kindergarten. Also, this THURSDAY is PICTURE DAY! Be sure to get your order form returned if you are interested in purchasing a class photo. Please try to have your first grader in bed early tonight so that they are ready to rock in the morning! See you soon!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Conference Week!

Happy Sunday, families! I hope this post finds you doing well after a great weekend together. Did your first grader finish their Valentine's Day box? Don't forget to have them bring it to school tomorrow. Our party is Tuesday at 2:30! Also, did your first grader show you their Mitten homework? We have been working hard on retell and they should have brought home a yellow paper mitten with story characters inside. They were asked to retell you the events from our story using their mitten to help them. Please be sure to sign the Mitten and return it to school with your child this week. Have you marked your calendars for Parent Teacher Conferences this week? I am looking forward to watching your child show you the ropes of first grade. Remember, we are doing Student-Led conferences and so your first grader will need to come with you! Let me know if you have any questions or if you are unable to make your scheduled time. I am looking forward to see all of you. Have a super night! See you soon...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Where'd the week go?

Hi families! I sit here again and cannot believe that it is already Thursday. What a great week we've had in first grade. As usual, we have been busy. Has your child told you about our new word in first grade: "perspective"? We learned this new word last week and created some terrific art displaying our newfound perspective. We can't wait for you to come to school next week for conferences and see it! Speaking of conferences, did you get your confirmation time slot last week? Don't forget that this year we are trying "Student-Led" conferences so that your first grader may showcase what they are learning and what we are currently working on as we near the spring. Your child is expected to attend the conference with you next week, so please keep that in mind. They are in charge! Let me know if you need to change your time or if you are unsure of your scheduled appointment. I am looking forward to seeing you! Also, has your child started their Valentine's Day box? Please be sure to read the pink note that came home on Tuesday. Our first graders need to decorate a box for our Valentine's Day party next week. We are asking for the boxes to be returned to school on Monday. Our Valentine's Day party will be held next Tuesday February 12 at 2:30. You are welcome to join us. If you child chooses to hand out Valentine's, please help them provide one for each member of our class family. A list of our classmates was included on the pink note! As always, let me know if you need anything. Have a wonderful night!