Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Snow, Snow, Snow...

Wow! Can you believe this snow??? March cannot get here fast enough. I hope you have enjoyed your snow days with your first grader. I know MY first grader is climbing the walls and ready to go back to school. I wanted to remind you all that TOMORROW (February 28) is our Picture Day Make-Up. We will be taking individual and class pictures. If you did not return your picture money, you can definitely send it tomorrow with you child. Be sure to have your child look extra sharp tomorrow for pictures! Hopefully you were able to help you child with some of their homework during the past two days. Did you see the note about Science Day? I will be sending home several more notes about some other things we have going on in March, so be looking for them. One is about a Leprechaun Trap and another is about Flat Stanley. Curious? Be watching your child's backpack for these upcoming projects and activities. We have a lot of catch up to do in order to make up for these unplanned days off, so please help your child transition back into our routine by allowing them plenty of sleep tonight! We will hit the ground running tomorrow. Finally, tomorrow is also a LIBRARY day! Please help your child return their old books so that they can have new books for the weekend! Let me know if you need anything. Enjoy this last snow day....I hope!

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