Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday Check-In...

Hi families! I hope this post finds you doing great at our mid-week point! I am so happy to have a week free of snow days...I hope your first grader is hanging in there as we get back into our routine. It's tough to re-adjust after so much unexpected time off. Let's catch you up to speed: Tomorrow morning all first graders have been invited to Wheatridge Middle School to watch the second grade dress rehearsal for their musical! The kids don't know that they are in for a surprise trip in the morning, but it will be a blast. Mrs. Neeley is so kind to extend the invitation to us in order for our kids have an opportunity to see what these amazing productions are like. It allows the kids to understand what they will be doing in the weeks to come in preparation for THEIR show in April. Speaking of which, did your first grader give you a letter from Mrs. Neeley yesterday about our show? They brought home a letter telling you what part they will be playing in this year's First Grade Performance. Be sure to read the letter carefully, as some students will be expected to attend early morning practices and I believe the first practice is this Friday for some characters. For those of you who have not seen one of Mrs. Neeley's musicals, you are in for a treat! They are amazing. Our kids will be working so, so hard in the weeks to come but the final production pays off! Next, this Friday is our First Grade "Science Day". You are welcome to come and help from 12:30-1:30. We will be doing different scientific experiments and learning more about hypothesis and observation. Friday night is also Movie Night! Don't forget check-in begins at 6pm and the fun-filled night goes until 9pm. We'd love to have you! Next week we will also begin our Quarterly Math text as we end another quarter together. Please be looking for your child's last math quiz coming home this weekend and review this skill with them. This last skill of finding missing addends through related subtraction problems has proven difficult for many of our kiddos. Extra practice and encouragement at home always helps! As always, please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or concerns or if you need anything. We are getting ready to hit a very busy time of our year together and communication is essential! Please continue to check our blog frequently...I'm trying to keep up with our fast pace first grade journey. Have a great night...cross your fingers for some spring-like days ahead!

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