Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wild, Wacky and WONDERFUL day!

WOW-IE! What a wild day...Learning Celebration was action-packed today. You should have a very tired first grader tonight because they worked and played their tails off today. We spent our morning visiting all of the first grade teachers and doing different activities and crafts while we learned about our Constitution and great country (here is where the kids started chanting "USA! USA! USA!"). We learned about symbols and what the Constitution is all about. Our all-school assembly was interesting and very unique as it tried to teach us about the different character traits. We celebrated our morning with an all-school picnic lunch outside and then learned about the Pledge of Allegiance and what it means, got a lesson on our salt water aquarium and did some cool crafts in our "special" Specials. Since our class was the big winner from the cookie dough sales, we were one of the top 3 classes who got to go into the MONEY MACHINE at the end of the day. I was nervous to try it, but we ended up grabbing a lot of dough for our kids. Have them tell you all about it. They were so awesome and supportive as they cheered me on. It was so much fun! Needless to say, after all of these activities that were out of the norm, we ran short on time and did not get a chance to take our spelling test with that /ck/ sound. SO, you have several extra days to practice these words and we will take the test on Monday morning before moving on to our new sound (which will be the short /o/). Did your child come home and tell you about our Code Red drill yesterday? We talked at great length about our different safety drills and reasons for which we practice all of them. We also have watched 2 different music videos to help us remember what to do in emergencies and when to recognize danger. These topics can be a little scary for our first graders and so it is essential that there is follow-up conversations at home about things we discussed in class. Please be sure to talk with your child and give them plenty of reassurance that they are safe. I will attach a link of the two different music videos to our blog if you would like to view them with your child at home. I will also upload some of the pictures we took today at Learning Celebration later this evening so that you can see some of the action. I hope your child enjoys their new blue Sunflower t-shirt. This is the shirt that they are asked to wear on our field trip in 2 weeks. Speaking of field trips, please remember to return your permission slip and admission fee next week if you have not already done so. Have an AWESOME fall weekend with your family. Stay safe and healthy. Thank you for having such wonderful kids!! Holler if you need anything! Looking ahead to next week, our Specials rotation is: Monday= C Tuesday= D Wednesday= A Thursday= B Friday= C

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