Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wacky Wednesday Check-In

Hi families! What a wild day!!! I think a storm must be coming because we were bouncing off the walls in room 111 today! As the holidays start approaching and our schedules get more and more booked, please remember how important routine is for your first grader. An early bedtime will help your child have happy, successful days at school. Also, please remember that as long as the wind chill is above 20 degrees and it isn't raining, we will go out to recess...PLEASE be sure your child comes to school on these cold days with a coat and hat! I don't want any of my kiddos getting sick before their turkey dinner! Your child is bringing home their first Venn Diagram about the story of King Midas and His Gold. We have been reading one story of this myth this week and today we watched a different retell of this old story. Your child created their own Venn Diagram comparing the 2 versions. They have been asked to share it with you tonight in order to help them RETELL the story and strengthen their comprehension. If you would please sign their golden Venn Diagram paper and return it tomorrow, that would be worderful! Ask your child to tell you what a myth is (it's an old story that teaches a lesson!) and ask them if they remember the message that King Midas and His Gold is supposed to teach us. In math, we worked hard at learning how to add 3 numbers together. We talked about all different strategies that we can use to help us solve tricky problems. We also realized that if we can find a 10-team, we can do the "ZERO SMASH!"...have your child tell you about the ZERO SMASH! For example, if the math problem is: 6+5+4 = ?, the kids learned today that if they find the 10-team (6+4) that the number that is left out (5) gets mad and SMASHES the 0 in the 10 to find the answer (15!). Later, we will learn how to decompose numbers when 10-teams are not part of our given equation...First grade is AMAZING, don't you think?!?! Do you remember that tomorrow is our annual Sunflower Thanksgiving lunch? We will be going to lunch 5 minutes early (10:50) and families are welcome to join us and eat together. Also, Movie Night is this Friday! Second grade will be hosting Monster's University this Friday night at 6pm. We would love to have your first grader join us for a cozy night at school. Lastly, a HUGE thank you goes out to everyone who supported our basket for the PTO auction. Our unbelievable PTO does so much for our kids and we received SO much money for our classroom!!! To everyone who donated their time, energy, supplies, and presence...THANK YOU! Have a wonderful night! Stay warm and cozy!!!!

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