Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Don't Forget...Pajama Day TOMORROW!

Happy Wednesday, families! I just got word from Mrs. Godwin that our first graders have filled up another compliment chain and she has given the kids another PAJAMA DAY! Your child is welcome to come to school all toasty warm in their favorite jammies. It looks like winter is going to stick around a while longer (BOO!), so we might as well be cozy while we learn! I hope everyone is well and happy at your house. Have a wonderful night!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday Check-In

Happy Wednesday, families! I hope you all had a wonderful LONG weekend together. I want to thank each one of you for making the time to come and watch your first grader shine in their conference last week. I hope you got a good snapshot of your child's success and accomplishments thus far in their first grade journey. Thank you so much for taking the time to come and see all of the amazing things they are doing. I wanted to remind you that TOMORROW, February 20th is Spring Picture Day AND Class Pictures! Your child should have brought home an order form last week. The kids will have their individual pictures taken tomorrow morning as well as a class picture. Are you remembering about Jump Rope for Heart? Encourage your child to wear RED this week to show their support of heart health. Finally, remember that this FRIDAY February 21st is our next Movie Night! We will be watching TURBO and would love to have you join us on Friday from 6-9pm. Enjoy these spring-like days together. Hug your first grader for me....I will be back soon.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Update for our short week ahead...

Happy Sunday families! I hope this post finds you enjoying another cozy night together. Mrs. Godwin and I wanted to be sure you were up-to-date on all of the happenings of this week. First, in honor of Jump Rope for Heart we have a week of special DRESS UP DAYS!!! Monday= CAMO Day...wear camouflage clothing Tuesday= HAT Day...wear your favorite hat Wednesday= PAJAMA Day!!! Because of all our unexpected snow days, we are going to continue with Lesson 19 from last week. Your child will be taking their spelling POST test this week and we will try and get caught up from last week's late-winter break. Hopefully, your first grader is mastering those long E words and spelling patterns. Remember that our FIRST GRADE Valentine's Day party will be held this WEDNESDAY morning from 10-11am. I know it is confusing, as all the grade levels are following different schedules. Your child should make a Valentine's Day box or container of some kind at HOME and bring it to school sometime before Wednesday morning. Please remember that Wednesday February 12th is an EARLY RELEASE Day! We will dismiss at 1pm in order to begin Student-Led Conferences! You are welcome to attend the party and take your child home immediately following for lunch, or they are welcome to stay at school for lunch and join the rest of the first graders for a movie. We will not have school on Thursday, Friday OR Monday February 17th due to President's Day. It looks like they are in for another mini-break! Please don't hesitate to ask Mrs. Godwin if you have any questions. You may also shoot me an email if I can help you in anyway. Have a warm, wonderful evening together and get ready for a short and wild week ahead! Happy night!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What a SNOW!

Hi families! WOW! What a winter blast we have had. I hope you have all stayed warm and enjoyed your extra-special snow days together. It looks like the kids will be heading back into their routine tomorrow. I'm sure Mrs. Godwin has lots to do tomorrow to make up for the week of lost learning time. I know she will be anxious to hear about what you did during these snow days! Don't forget that Jump Rope for Heart starts this month. Next week will be another shortened week due to Student-Led conferences. We also have our Valentine's Day party coming up. YIKES! There is a lot going on! Please don't hesitate to ask Mrs. Godwin if you need anything right away...I am trying to settle into a routine with sweet Audrey and loving each moment. I hope you are all healthy and happy. Stay warm tomorrow and have a great Friday!