Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What a SNOW!

Hi families! WOW! What a winter blast we have had. I hope you have all stayed warm and enjoyed your extra-special snow days together. It looks like the kids will be heading back into their routine tomorrow. I'm sure Mrs. Godwin has lots to do tomorrow to make up for the week of lost learning time. I know she will be anxious to hear about what you did during these snow days! Don't forget that Jump Rope for Heart starts this month. Next week will be another shortened week due to Student-Led conferences. We also have our Valentine's Day party coming up. YIKES! There is a lot going on! Please don't hesitate to ask Mrs. Godwin if you need anything right away...I am trying to settle into a routine with sweet Audrey and loving each moment. I hope you are all healthy and happy. Stay warm tomorrow and have a great Friday!

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