Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Happy Tuesday! SO much ahead...

Hello families! I hope you had a wonderful Spring Break together. We jumped right back into the swing of things in room 111 this week. Did your child come home and tell you the exciting news about our newest classmate? Ask your child to tell you about "Gym". It was a very exciting day in our classroom as we welcomed this new little friend. Thank you so much to the Lang family for allowing Gym to come and be part of our school family. Boy oh boy, do we have a busy fourth quarter ahead! Get your calendars and planners out because our first grade events are going to fill the up! Next Thursday April 3rd is our annual Art Walk and choir concert. Your family is invited to come by school and check out all of the art we've worked on throughout the year. Our 4th grade choir will be performing a groovy 60's-themed concert and it will be a great time. Hope to see you! Looking ahead, be sure to make note of the following dates: Thursday April 24 at 7pm at Wheatridge Middle School, our first graders will be performing their first musical together called "E-I-E-I Oops!". Friday April 25th is our annual Sunflower school CARNIVAL! We will need your help!!! An online sign up for help with the carnival is coming. Please, please, please consider donating a half hour of your time on the night of the carnival to our classroom's activity ("Gone Fishing") or if you could donate prizes for our classroom such as snack-sized bags of chips, cookies, crackers, etc. We can also use small toys or other "prizes" for our booth. Remember that the proceeds of our carnival come right back to our classroom, so all of your help directly benefits our kids! Thank you in advance for your help! Be watching for that sign up!!! Do you remember the T-Bones reading log that you received during our fall conferences? If your child participated in the reading log for the T-Bones tickets, I need their pink reading logs back asap! This week we are learning how to tell time to the half-hour. Have your child tell you what "half past" the hour means. Continue to practice with them at home on an analog clock. We are learning about drawing conclusions this week, too. Ask your child to tell you what it means to draw a conclusion...check their understanding of this second grade skill. Have a wonderful evening...one of these days we will see this much-awaited Spring!

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