Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

"Hollywood Ending" Celebration TOMORROW!

I feel like I just wrote the post "Twas the night before first grade..." and now I am talking about the end of our time together. Incredible. No matter how hard I try, I just cannot get my mind around the fact that an entire year has come and gone with your amazing children. Please join us in the morning to celebrate our time together. While it has been full of love and laughter, I can't promise that I won't shed a tear or two. Be sure to invite your child to dress in their "Hollywood Best". We will enjoy a breakfast together and begin our awards ceremony around 9:15. You are welcome to take your child home upon the conclusion of our ceremony, or they can finish out the morning at school before their summer officially kicks off. We will dismiss at 11:30 tomorrow. I will hope to see you all in the morning...

RAIN Change!

Of course it decided to rain on the morning of our park morning! Not to worry...we will stay at Sunflower and come up with a plan B. Don't forget to send your kiddo to school with a yearbook, if they have one. See you tomorrow for our Hollywood Ending Celebration!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

First Grade FUN day TOMORROW!

Hi families! Don't forget that in celebration of our last FULL day of first grade, we are having our First Grade FUN Day! We will be leaving right after morning announcements to WALK to Winwood Park (in the Genesis Creek Estates/Parma Subdivision) at 8:30. We will return to Sunflower at 10:30 with plenty of time for lunch. Then, in the afternoon we will be having an old-fashioned game day party where your child is invited to bring a favorite board game from home to share with all first graders. We will play AND sign yearbooks, so be sure to send your child to school WITH THEIR YEARBOOK tomorrow, if they purchased one. Don't forget that Friday morning is our big Hollywood Ending Awards Celebration and Breakfast for first grade. Your child should have brought you a fancy invitation yesterday telling you all about it. If you have signed up to bring an item for our breakfast you may send it in with your child or bring it and enjoy breakfast with us! It is getting hard on us as we near the end of our time together. What a wonderful class family this is! It is going to be incredibly difficult to say good-bye to this bunch...they have touched my heart on so many levels. Tomorrow will be a day of fun and happiness before the good-bye arrives...

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The end of the year is near...see what we've been up to!

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'Twas the Night (or day) Before the Last Week of School...

Oh my families...are you ready for a wild week????? There is so much going on I want to give you a heads up on some of the big festivities. There are 2 notes coming home tomorrow with more information, but most importantly mark your calendars for FRIDAY MAY 23. Our first graders will be celebrating their "Hollywood Ending" awards celelbration and breakfast. I hope you can join us at 9:15 on Friday morning to see your child "graduate"....Our "Mama-ratzi" and "Papa-ratzi" will be able to take pictures of your star. Your child is invided to dress up for their red-carpet moment on Friday. Be watching for more information to come home tomorrow...Tomorrow our first graders are going to get a chance to experience "Mock SECOND Grade". This time we will be taking the kids down the big kid hall to meet with second grade classrooms and do a second grade activity! It is so hard to believe that this will be the last Sunday post for my first grade families. I wish I could slow time down to spend more time with your amazing children. Let's have a wonderful, last week of this incredible year together!

Monday, May 12, 2014

We Have CHICKS!!!

Happy Monday families! Did your first grader come home and tell you the exciting news???? Our eggs are hatching!!! The kids were able to see one chick emerge from his egg this afternoon. Be sure to ask them about it...they were EXCITED! They have 2 homework assignments for this rainy evening..first, they are bringing home a TIME for kids magazing (photocopy) about animals that hatch from eggs. They are expected to read it aloud to a parent to practice their fluency. Also, your first grader was asked to come up with some ideas for names for our new baby chicks. We are going to take a vote tomorrow...I will let you know the results! Speaking of tomorrow, did your first grader tell you about their exciting day ahead? It is THEIR turn to host Mock First tomorrow for next year's new batch of first graders...this seems almost impossible to me, as I remember these kiddos coming through my classroom last year. We will once again be planting flowers with the kindergartners as they get ready to "BLOOM" next year. This is a big deal for our kids...be sure to get them excited about this leadership role! I will post pictures and let you know how tomorrow goes...have a cozy night!

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Let the games begin!!! Tomorrow is our annual Sunflower Field Day! Did your first grader give you the reminder note today? Please remember to send your child to school with a sack lunch and drink. They also need to be in a Sunflower shirt (if possible), comfy shoes and have sunscreen on. We will be outside for a large part of the day. Our schedule is packed full of rotations and games. If you would like to join us for a school-wide lunch, we will be meeting on the big playground around 11:30 and you are welcome to join us. Plan on having a very sleepy first grader tomorrow as our day will surely wear us out with tug-o-war, stuck in the mud, dance parties, popcorn relays, water fights...just to name a few. Hopefully your child is sleeping soundly because come tomorrow--the games are ON! See you soon!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Kids LOVE this to learn our sound this week...

"TOMORROW" is one of our have-to-know words this week...we are learning it through this song. Can your first grader belt out the chorus????

End of the Year Upon Us...

Oh dear...I don't know where the days are going. My time with your amazing children is going too quickly. It is already May...only two and a half weeks left. I want it to slow down, as I love your children so! We have been so busy in first grade that I haven't even had time to tell you how wonderful our field trip to the zoo was last week! Thank you to everyone who was able to join us. The kids seemed to have a fantastic time. I walked the zoo taking pictures of all my kids and will post them soon. This week has been so dear with Teacher Appreciation Week...thank you to EVERYONE for making my days even MORE special. The cards, notes, treats and love is more appreciated than you can know. Thank you for sharing your children with me. Here is a recap of what we have been doing in room 111: We have taken full advantage of these nice days (finally) and were able to get dirty and plant our First Grade Flag Flower Gardnen yesterday. If your child came home with dirty hands yesterday it was because we were getting patriotic in our garden. Come on by and check it out! With the end of the year creeping up on us quickly...or rather coming at us full throttle, there are many activities that I don't want you to forget. Here goes: 1. THIS FRIDAY is Field Day!!! I have a meeting after school today to learn the details of the day, but plan on having your first grader wear cool, comfortable clothes, tennis shoes and bring a sack lunch. Plan on them being EXTRA tired on Friday, too. Field Day is BUSY!!! I will post more details once they become avaiable to me after today's meeting. 2. WE NEED LIBRARY BOOKS!!! If you have library books floating around your house, please return them to school asap! Mrs. Preston is giving away free books to all student who get their library books checked in for the year. Our class is one of two classes who still have the MOST books out!! Yikes! 3. If you can believe this, next week our class will host MOCK FIRST GRADE! This is a time when next year's first graders (currently in kindergarten) come to our classroom and do an activity with our first graders. It is a great time for leadership for our kids...be sure to make a big deal about it at home! Our kids are growing up and it is their turn to teach the upcoming first graders the "ropes". Unbelievable. Have a wonderful night together. I will let you know when I learn more about Friday's field day. As always, let me know if you need anything. Thank you again for making this week extra special.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Hi families! What a crazy week we have had...I can't believe that our field trip is TOMORROW--Friday May 2nd! Where has the time gone. Only 4 Fridays left in first grade...amazing. Your child brought home a reminder note today in their backpack. Please be sure to read over it and talk to your first grader about what they need to have with them in the morning. They will need to wear their Sunflower t-shirt from this year (light blue with the airplane on it!), bring a sack lunch AND an unbreakable drink, wear a jacket (if they wish as the morning may be chilly),and wear comfortable walking shoes. It is always such a fun day! We have been learning so much about different habitats and the animals that live there. This is such a fun way to put our knowledge into action. If you RSVPd to join us tomorrow, your child brought you an additional note with further information you will need. We will leave right after announcements at 8:30-8:40 and will return to school around 2:30. If you are joining us and would like to take your child home directly from the zoo please let the office know. You may also want to swing by school and pick up their mail and backpacks! Let me know if you have any questions about tomorrow. Hopefully your first grader can go to bed a little early tonight to get them rested and geared up for a fun day of zoo-mania! Have a great evening!

Sesame Street: Making Crayons--This goes with our story this week...have your first grader tell you all of the steps that go into making crayons! Enjoy!