Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, May 12, 2014

We Have CHICKS!!!

Happy Monday families! Did your first grader come home and tell you the exciting news???? Our eggs are hatching!!! The kids were able to see one chick emerge from his egg this afternoon. Be sure to ask them about it...they were EXCITED! They have 2 homework assignments for this rainy evening..first, they are bringing home a TIME for kids magazing (photocopy) about animals that hatch from eggs. They are expected to read it aloud to a parent to practice their fluency. Also, your first grader was asked to come up with some ideas for names for our new baby chicks. We are going to take a vote tomorrow...I will let you know the results! Speaking of tomorrow, did your first grader tell you about their exciting day ahead? It is THEIR turn to host Mock First tomorrow for next year's new batch of first graders...this seems almost impossible to me, as I remember these kiddos coming through my classroom last year. We will once again be planting flowers with the kindergartners as they get ready to "BLOOM" next year. This is a big deal for our kids...be sure to get them excited about this leadership role! I will post pictures and let you know how tomorrow goes...have a cozy night!

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