Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Learning Celebration TOMORROW!

We made it through Thursday! Did your child come home and show you their RED folder? I had many friends who were ready to read already today and move on to a new book. I wanted to let you all know that TOMORROW is our annual LEARNING CELEBRATION. It will be a very off-the-wall day as we celebrate and focus on our awesome country and Constitution. Your child will be getting their NEW Sunflower T-Shirt tomorrow when they come to school (shhh, it's a surprise!) and we will all be wearing our shirts together to celebrate our day. Please make sure your firstie comes in shorts, pants or a skirt so that they can put on their new shirt when they arrive. The shirts they receive tomorrow are given to us by our AMAMZING PTO and we will be wearing them throughout the year on field trips and for other events, so keep it handy! Thank you PTO! We have been talking about the significance of the equal sign in math this week. Ask your child to tell you what "equal" means. Quiz their understanding by asking them if equations such as 9+1 = 8+2 are equal or NOT equal. (Hint: they will have to dive a little deeper into the equation to find out...we have worked on this all week...heavy stuff!) Has your first grader come home talking about the stinky /I/? Don't forget that we will still squeeze in a spelling test tomorrow, so be sure to practice those words tonight! Finally, has your kiddo talked to you about R-E-S-P-E-C-T? We have been focusing on character traits this week and the past two days have spent lots of time on respect. Ask them to tell you about the 3 ways to show respect. Then, encourage them to practice these ways at home! Have a great evening!

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