Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, Monday

Monday = D Tuesday = A Wednesday = B Thursday = C Friday = D

What happened to our early spring? I hope you had a great weekend despite the yucky return of the snow! We journaled about our weekend this morning and it sounds like you all had a great time. We started a new story today in our reading book. Your child should be bringing home their orange basal book and reading you The Kite today. We talked about fantasy stories. Ask you child to tell you why this story is fantasy. We also reviewed the long u sound. Quiz your child by asking them to give you five words that have a long u sound in them.

In math today, we learned about telling time to the half hour. Many of our kids were already experts at this! Good job at home! Keep practicing telling time to the half hour. Have your child tell you how they count around the face of a clock. They should be able to tell you that we count by 5's.

We are working on creating expressive and symmetrical clown faces for our art project this week. I can't wait to see how they turn out. Ask your child to tell you what kind of expression they have chosen for their clown face.

Don't forget that this Friday is Movie Night! We will be showing "Tangled". Power Drills are due on Thursday and the last day to take AR tests that count toward the KU award program is this Friday, too! It is looking like a busy week! As always, let me know if you have any questions! Have a wonderful evening.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome Back!

Monday = C Tuesday = D Wednesday = A Thursday = B Friday = C

Welcome back after what I hope was a wonderful Spring Break for your family! I could tell that I had some sleepy kids today. It was so great to see all of my first grade friends and get started with our last quarter together. We spent today getting back into our first grade groove. We each wrote a book page telling about our Spring Break adventures and activities. We reviewed ABC order with festive March words. This was a tough activity, but our kids didn't give up and gave it their best try! YAY! We let our creativity flow today by making kites to celebrate the first full day of spring. Our room is feeling very balmy and festive! Come on by and visit us.

Today in math we started our first offical "Mad Minute" today. Have your child tell you all about it. It should actually be called the "Mad THREE Minute", because the child are given 3 minutes to complete 30 addition problems. Ask you child to tell you about their first test. We graphed our answers and learned how to check them ourselves, too. It's the big time in first grade!

Have a super night.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Spring Break!

Monday March 21 =C Tuesday March 22=D Wednesday March 23=A
Thursday March 24=B Friday March 25=C

The kids are wound up and ready for their Spring Break! We wrapped up our third quarter with our math post test. The kids did a WONDERFUL job! Please find time to celebrate your child and ALL of the amazing things they have learned in three quarters of first grade. It is unbelievable that we only have one quarter left before they graduate on to second grade. Boo hoo hoo!

This week we wrote letters to the tooth fairy. Come by our room to read your child's letter. Many of them have very HIGH hopes for their tooth fariy treats...just thought you'd like to know! :)

In math, we had some fun with St. Patty's Day. We used Lucky Charms cereal to create graphs. Edible math is always a hit! Ask your child to tell you what symbol in their cereal bowl was their most popular. We also used symmetry to create symmetrical leprachauns. These projects are coming home for you to admire today.

You may notice that your child brought home a great deal of unfinished paperwork in their backpack. We did a MAJOR desk clean-out today and emptied out our work folders. All of the work from 3rd quarter that did not get finished is now Spring Break homework. Please continue to encourage your child to try hard to get their work completed and handed in on time, as this is an essential second grade skill and we are well on our way! WOW!

A few look ahead dates:

*April 12--Art Walk, 7pm

*April 21--First Grade Musical

*April 25--NO SCHOOL

*April 29--Carnival, 5-8pm

I hope you have a wonderful, safe and restful Spring Break. Keep your kids reading and learning. We are on the final stretch of our journey when they return on the

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fun Friday!

Monday = C Tuesday = D Wednesday = A Thursday = B

WOW! Thank you so much to all of my families for the wonderful surprise baby shower this morning! I still can't believe that all of my first graders kept it a secret for so long. I had NO idea. It was so much fun. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much.

It was hard to get back on task after today's surprise party! We worked hard perfecting our portion of the first grade graduation movie. The kids worked together in groups and practiced super hard to get their lines right and read with expression. We will show our first grade scrapbook movie at our graduation in May. It should be a treat.

We wrote our own math subtraction stories today about frogs. Ask your child to tell you about the story they wrote. What did they have happen to their frogs in their subtraction story?

A few reminders about next week:

1. No school on Friday March 11
2. Monday is a Library day!
3. Identi-kid in March 10

Have a super weekend. Thank you all so much, again, for your kindness and generosity. Today was so special to me. Thank you!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday Reminders

Hope this post finds you all enjoying a beautiful day! As the week winds down, I have a few reminders to share with you.

1. Please return you slip from Mrs. Neeley, our music teacher. She sent home a white note with information about our barnyard musical and requested feedback from you. If you have the note at home, please return it to school with the requested information. Our musical is NEXT MONTH! These shows are unbelievable!

2. March 10 Identi-kid will be at Sunflower. Parents have the option to participate. More information should be coming home, but I just wanted to give you a heads up.

3. Thank you to the families who attended last night's Literacy Night. Great turn out for our age group!

4. Remember, no school next Friday March 11th! We are wrapping up our third quarter and getting ready for spring break. ENJOY!