Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome Back!

Monday = C Tuesday = D Wednesday = A Thursday = B Friday = C

Welcome back after what I hope was a wonderful Spring Break for your family! I could tell that I had some sleepy kids today. It was so great to see all of my first grade friends and get started with our last quarter together. We spent today getting back into our first grade groove. We each wrote a book page telling about our Spring Break adventures and activities. We reviewed ABC order with festive March words. This was a tough activity, but our kids didn't give up and gave it their best try! YAY! We let our creativity flow today by making kites to celebrate the first full day of spring. Our room is feeling very balmy and festive! Come on by and visit us.

Today in math we started our first offical "Mad Minute" today. Have your child tell you all about it. It should actually be called the "Mad THREE Minute", because the child are given 3 minutes to complete 30 addition problems. Ask you child to tell you about their first test. We graphed our answers and learned how to check them ourselves, too. It's the big time in first grade!

Have a super night.

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