Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday Reminders

Hope this post finds you all enjoying a beautiful day! As the week winds down, I have a few reminders to share with you.

1. Please return you slip from Mrs. Neeley, our music teacher. She sent home a white note with information about our barnyard musical and requested feedback from you. If you have the note at home, please return it to school with the requested information. Our musical is NEXT MONTH! These shows are unbelievable!

2. March 10 Identi-kid will be at Sunflower. Parents have the option to participate. More information should be coming home, but I just wanted to give you a heads up.

3. Thank you to the families who attended last night's Literacy Night. Great turn out for our age group!

4. Remember, no school next Friday March 11th! We are wrapping up our third quarter and getting ready for spring break. ENJOY!

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