Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Goodbye February!

Monday = B Tuesday = C Wednesday = D Thursday = A Friday = B

We are so happy to say goodbye to February today! We have had enough winter and are anxiously awaiting the warm breezes of spring. Isn't it amazing that we are down to just over two more months in first grade?!?

We reviewed our knowledge of timelines this morning. Our kids worked with a friend to identify and write five things that they do each day. We then took their daily events and put them in order. It was funny to put our daily events in mixed up order, too. Ask your child to tell you what they know about timelines and have them share what events they recorded with their buddy.

We played a George Washington review game today. Our kids are true/false experts. With our buddies from last week, we used the sloppy copy of our George Washington book page we wrote on Friday and put it into final copy form. The illustrations and writing turned out super! The kids did an excellent job of working together to publish their class book. Have your child tell you about the page they worked on.

In math, it was a big review day! Our kids seem to have mastered many things but some are still a little shaky about those Fact Families! Please help your child by having them practice at home. Give them only 3 related numbers and have them write two different math sentences with the numbers. For example: 4, 6 and 10, the number sentences would be-- 4+6=10, 6+4=10, 10-4=6, and 10-6=4.

We got four Flatties back today! I can't wait to see where more of our flat friends have traveled to.

Don't Forget

1. Your child's paper toothbrush is due back this week! Now that February is over, our toothbrush project needs to return to school if your child participated in keeping track of their brushing.

2. Literacy night is Wednesday March 2!

3. Power Drills went home today and are due back by Thursday!

4. Lunch choice for tomorrow is: A = Stromboli B=BBQ Beef Sandwich C=PBJ. The calendars were not ready for us to send home today, so just thought you may like to know. :)

5. Library is tomorrow! Don't forget your books.

6. AR tests tomorrow in center time. Please be sure to book talk!

Have a great night as we bid February farewell!

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