Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday Tidbits

Tuesday = C Wednesday = D Thursday = A Friday = B

Happy Tuesday! We are back and hoping for NO snow days this week so that we can catch up from last week! WOW. What a winter! We dove into learning today just like the penguins we have been studying. We reviewed all of our penguin knowledge this morning and began our final project about penguins. Your child should have a wealth of knowledge about these fascinating birds. Ask your child to tell you five facts about penguins. They could easily tell you more, but see what five interesting things they can teach you. Be sure to check out the new links on our web games for penguin activities for you and your child to play at home.

In math we continue to master greater than and less than, as well as counting to 100 and number relationships. Last week's 100's day was a hit and the kids were surrounded by numbers and counting all day. Who know numbers were such a huge part of our everyday lives?!?! We are beginning to learn about dollars and the dollar ($)sign. Practice this at home with your child to ensure extra success and confidence with these concepts.

We have some visitors in our classroom this month. Has your child told you about our Painted Lady butterfly caterpillars? They are getting bigger by the minute and soon we hope to see their chrysalis's forming! Encourage your child to continue their observations on these little creatures and share their observations with you at home.

Ask you child to tell you about our toothbrush contest! They should be bringing home a large paper toothbrush today. They should put their paper toothbrush in their bathroom and mark off the boxes when they brush their teeth (at LEAST twice each day!). There are 21 days left in February and their assigment is to return their filled out toothbrush to school by March 1st for their dental health prize! Please help encourage your child to participate and demonstrate responsiblitiy with this long-term assignment!

Here are a few reminders for the upcoming week:

1. Have you returned your Flat Stanley paper? Many of our Flatties have already arrived at their destinations. I am still missing addresses for 4 of my flat friends. Please ask your child if they have returned their blue slip!

2. Have you returned your conference confirmation green slip? I am still missing several confirmations. I am so anxious to talk to you about all of the things your child is doing in first grade!

3. Valentine's Day party is MONDAY FEBRUARY 14th! A note with a list of our class family's names will be coming home for those of you who chose to give out Valentine's.

4. Remember: NEXT WEDNESDAY is an EARLY DISMISSAL DAY! The children will be dismissed at 1pm in order for conferences to begin at 2pm.

5. Spring Picture Day is February 23!

I look forward to seeing you all next week at conferences! As always, let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day and STAY WARM. BRRRRRRR!

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