Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy Birthday George Washington!

Tuesday = B Wednesday = C Thursday = D Friday = A

Welcome back after a long President's Day weekend! I hope you all had a great time together. After listening to my first grade journals this morning, it sounds like everyone had a nice, quiet break. I am looking forward to warmer weather and healthy kids. March cannot get here fast enough!

A few reminders about this week:

1. TOMORROW (February 23) IS PICTURE DAY! We will have both class pictures and individual spring pictures. A form went home last week. If you have not returned it, please do so tomorrow.

2. Book orders were due last week. I will wait until this Friday February 25 to order, if any of you still wish to send in your form.

3. This Friday February 25 is our next movie night. We will be showing Kung Fu Panda. It is always a good time!

4. Yearbook orders are due by February 28 (next Monday). Please be sure you get your order in by the 28th!

We returned to school today to find that TWO of our chrysalis's' have hatched! We have 2 painted lady butterflies in our room. We are anxiously awaiting our remaining two chrysalis's' to metamorphosis into butterflies. Have your child tell you all about it!

Today we learned about George Washington. Your child should be full of new information and facts about our first president. Ask them to share something new that they learned about the "Father of our Country". In math we reviewed the dollar ($) sign and identified different bills. We also worked at creating a Venn Diagram comparing the one dollar bill and the quarter. Check your child's memory to see if they can tell you something that both of these types of money have in common. They came up with so many similarities! Ask you child to tell you something that is true only about the dollar bill as well as the quarter coin. I was so impressed by their observations and knowledge!

Thank you so ALL of my first grade families for coming to Parent-Teacher Conferences last week! We had 100% turn out! Way to go moms and dads. I am so blessed to have such amazing families and students in my classroom. Thank you for taking the time to come see all of the wonderful things your child is doing in this accelerating half of first grade!

Don't forget about picture day tomorrow! Have a great evening.

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