Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ms. Beverage is BACK!

Thursday =B Friday =C
Monday=D Tuesday= A Wednesday=B Thursday=C Friday=D

It was so good to be back today and see all of my first grade friends. The kids seem to have grown up so much in 15 days, I just can't believe it. Mrs. Godwin raved about how wonderful our class is and they had a fabulous time with her. I am so proud of all they have accomplished in the time I was gone. It is hard to believe that in just a few weeks, they will be second graders. YIKES! What a year of milestones for all of us!

Just a few reminders as we approach the end of the year chaos:

This Friday April 29 = CARNIVAL!

Wednesday May 4 = FIELD TRIP

Friday May 6 = Mrs. Morgovnick's retirement party (3:45) and MOVIE NIGHT

Friday May 13 = FIELD DAY

Thursday May 19 = TALENT SHOW

Monday May 23 = 1st grade graduation ceremony and awards

Tuesday May 24 = Last day (Boo Hoo!)

Thank you so much for all of your support and kindness as we welcome and adjust to life at home with our newest little blessing. You are all a wonderful bunch of families and I am blessed to know each one of you. Thank you!

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