Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

'Twas the night before baby...

Monday = A Tuesday = B Wednesday = C Thursday = D Friday = A

Hi families! I just wanted to give you a quick update and let you know that starting tomorrow, I will be gone on leave. We are hoping to meet our baby tomorrow. The kids and I celebrated our last day together for a few weeks with an all-class lunch bunch and food math day. Have them tell you all about it!
We have been working hard the last few weeks as we near our final month of first grade. I am so proud of our kids' growth this year. It has been amazing! Last week in math we worked hard at double digit addition without regrouping. The kids seem to have mastered this concept quickly, as long as they remember to "break it down". We also worked hard at telling time to the half hour and challenged it up by reading times to five minute increments as well. Whew! This week we are working at learning FRACTIONS. So far, we have learned 1 whole, 1/2 and 1/4. Have your child show you what they know by asking them to tell you about fractions (2 key words = EQUAL and PART) and even invite them to show you a fraction with a cookie, piece of bread, cracker, etc. We used food (graham crackers and cookies) today to learn fractions. We will continue to write and match fractions and remember that a fraction is simply an equal part of ONE WHOLE item.

Don't forget that next Tuesday is our last PTO meeting and all-school ART WALK! Please come by our classroom and admire all of our amazing artwork! Also, the field trip permission slips went home last week. If you have not already done so, please return the slip to school asap.

Feel free to check our webpage for any updates on baby. I will be sure to let you all know when our baby makes his/her debut! Thank you all for the well-wishes and support. It means more to me than you can know! Have a great night...

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