Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Learning Celebration is tomorrow!

Hi families! We have exciting news buzzing around Sunflower today! It was officially announced that our school has received the National Blue Ribbon Award from the U.S. Department of Education. AMAZING! It is an enormous honor to received this distinguished honor for excellence in education. We have many celebrations in the making and tonight your child is bringing home information about two important events for us to celebrate together as Sunflower families. Please be sure to read the notes coming home and join us tomorrow for the GEHS football game. We are also expecting a visit from our Mayor tomorrow at our Learning Celebration assembly at 2:30. Join us! We are so proud of our school and all of the children who make this such a wonderful place. Come celebrate with us!

Remember to send a sack lunch to school tomorrow with your child for our school-wide picnic lunch. You will also want to be sure to send a jacket for our outside time. We have many Constitution activities planned to celebrate this great country we live in and this great school that we are a part of. It is always a super-fun day!

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