Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Monday Reminders!

Monday = A Tuesday = B Wednesday = C Thursday = D Friday = A

Hi families! I hope you had a wonderful (and rainy) weekend together. Don't forget that your child's Royals baseball form is due by noon today for the lottery drawing. Every Sunflower student is receiving a free ticket to the Royals game this Wednesday in honor of our Blue Ribbon Award. If you would like additional tickets for your family, be sure to return the form sent home last Thursday.

Also, don't forget that field trip forms are due this week. Your child's yellow form went home last week. If you have not already returned the permission slip, please do as soon as possible!

We have another wonderful week of learning ahead of us!

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