Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Midweek Update

We packed lots of learning into our day! We kicked off our day reviewing the word families: _at, _it, and _ot. Ask your child to tell you three different words in each word family such as: hat, bat, cat; hit, pit, quit; pot, not, hot. We reviewed nouns and adjectives. Have your child tell you about both of these parts of speech. We came up with lots of adjectives to describe a snowman. Your child chose 4 different adjectives to describe their imaginary snowman and then we began creating the snowman using our writing as a guide. We have some very creative first graders! Come on by our room later this week and check out our creative snowmen.

In math we continued to work on learning place value. So far, we are tackling tens and ones. Have your child tell you what they know about the tens place and the ones place. Also, challenge your child by having them tell you to identify what number has 4 tens and 6 ones (46). Play this game with your first grader to help them strengthen their concept of this important skill.

We also learned about the "Zero Smash" when adding in math. See if your child can tell you the shortcut trick to addition using the zero smash. (For example: 10 + 8,
the eight hops over and smashes the zero to take its place, so the answer is 18!)

In honor of Dr. King's upcoming birthday, we ended our day with an introduction to this great leader. I was so impressed with what our first graders already knew about Dr. King. We will spend the remainder of the week learning more about this peaceful and important leader in history. Invite your child to share something they learned about Dr. King today.

Tonight is Dominoes Pizza Night! Stay warm, it sounds like we may finally get a little taste of winter at last.

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