Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bye Bye April...

Monday= D Tuesday= A Wednesday= B Thursday= C Friday= D Hi families! I hope you had another great weekend together. Thank you to everyone who came to the school carnival on Friday. It was a great night and I am so grateful to everyone who volunteered their time and efforts to make the night so much fun for the kids! You are the BEST! It is hard to believe that we will be welcoming May this week. WOW, that means the countdown has begun. From here on out, we are extra busy, buSY, BUSY in first grade. This week, we will be hosting our Kindergarten friends and showing them the ropes of first grade for our Mock First Grade Day. Your child will get to shine and be a leader for a Kindergarten friend. We have projects and assessments galore starting in May and don't forget our Field Trip to Ernie Miller Nature Center is next week! Notes will be going home soon to the parents who were selected in the lottery to accompany us on the field trip. We are also having Flower Day on Friday. Your child will be bringing home a note about that too, but for a heads up first grade will be planting a Patriotic-themed garden in our first grade garden bed. Our class is in charge of BLUE flowers. Each one of our first grade friends is asked to bring a blue (ish) annual flower to plant in the bed. We would like the flowers to be brought to school by Thursday May 3. More to follow with this project. It is sure to be a busy time. Stay in touch and let me know if you have any questions or if you need anything! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Monday, April 23, 2012

4-Day Week Ahead

Tuesday = D Wednesday= A Thursday= B Friday= C Hi families! I hope you had a wonderful 3-day weekend together. With the muscial behind us, we are ready to get back into our groove. With less than one month of school left (so sad!) we have lots to do. Please be sure that your first grader is getting plenty of sleep! Don't forget to return your field trip permission slips to school tomorrow if you haven't already. We have our school carnival THIS FRIDAY April 27. If you could volunteer your time, we could sure use some more helpers for 30 minutes time slots! Spelling words will be coming home tomorrow. We have a lot of learning to cram into 4 days! Let's have a great week.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Best "Jungle Party" Ever! ENJOY!

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Last Minute Reminders...

Hi everyone! Don't forget tonight is our big show at Wheatridge! Please have your first grader there between 6:15-6:30. If they are a Safari Kid, they can arrive by 6:40. Please go to the band room (your first grader should know where to go). We will be waiting for them for make up! If we sent a shirt home with your first grade performer, please be sure to have them wear it to Wheatridge!

Also, tomorrow we will be celebrating Earth Day. As a last minute request, please try to help your child remember to wear a blue or green shirt to school. We wanted to save paper and not send a note home, so if you could help them remember their mental note, that would be great.

Your first grader has worked incredibly hard this week in preparation for tonight's show. Please celebrate their hard work! I look forward to seeing all of you tonight at Wheatridge.

Thanks so much!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Musical Eve...

Hi families! Your first grader had a VERY busy day rehearsing their big production for tomorrow night's first grade musical. We got to go over to Wheatridge this morning and rehearse our show on the big stage. We will go over again tomorrow morning to rehearse. Please help your first grader eat a good, healthy breakfast. They are working so hard on the stage, I don't want any of them to feel icky.

We have spent the past two days reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Today we made symmetrical butterfly wings. Ask your child to tell you about how they did this project. Tomorrow, we will add the finishing touches to complete the project. In math, we continue to learn about fractions. We are just working on 1/2 and 1/4, but our first graders are so smart they are ready for more challenges! I have added some new games in our Math category on this webpage to help your child practice these new skills. Have them show you how to play the new top three games.

Because this has been such a busy week, I did not send home a Power Drill. We will complete this homework in class so your child can take a break by the time they get home from school.

Your first grader should have brought home a yellow permission slip for our field trip and a carnival ticket order form yesterday. The carnival ticket orders are due by Friday. Our permission slips need to be signed and returned by Tuesday the 24.

Don't forget!:
1. Our musical is tomorrow (Thursday April 19) at 7pm at Wheatridge. Your first grader needs to arrive by 6:15 for make-up.
2. No School Monday April 23

Have a great night. See you tomorrow night at the show!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Muscial Mania!

Happy Monday, families! We had a great day as we are gearing up to our big performance this Thursday for our musical. We spent our morning rotating through all three first grade classroom working on different activities relating to Earth Day and rocks. Have you child tell you about their volcano experiment with Ms. Burks, writing about what they can do to help the Earth with Mrs. Godwin and making moon rocks with me. It was a fun morning. Because we are working hard on the musical, we are not having any Storytown homework or activities this week. This means, no spelling words or reading homework. Be sure to encourage your child to bring home an AR book or read on their own, but I will not be sending homework for reading this week.

In math we introduced FRACTIONS! Wow! Check your child's initial understanding of this concept by asking them to tell you what fractions are. We learned today that fraction are simply equal parts of something. We read a book to help introduce the concept, too, called "Give Me Half". Have your child tell you about it. Your first grader is bringing home a Homelink page. Please help them complete their Homelink and return it tomorrow. We will be working with 1/2 and 1/4 tomorrow.

Don't forget to return your spring pictures and your carnival forms. We still need volunteers to run our booth. Let me know if you would be able to help for a 30 minute shift in our room.

Have a wonderful night together. Enjoy your family. As always, let me know if you need anything.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Don't Forget!

One more thing! In celebration of Opening Day tomorrow, remember that it's HAT DAY! Your first grader can wear their favorite hat to school. See you tomorrow!

I'm back!

Friday= B Monday= C(library) Tuesday= D Wednesday= A Thursday= B Friday= C

Hi families! I finally have my family healthy and was back at school today. It was great to see the kids. We had a great reunion and they filled me in on all they had been doing the past two days. Has your first grader told you about our rock study? While I was gone, they collected all sorts of cool rocks and worked hard at sorting them and classifying them into different groups. Ask your child to come up with three adjectives that tell about their special rock. Tomorrow we will make a human Venn Diagram and classify our rocks different ways using different comparison baselines.

Don't forget to have your first grader complete their Power Drill and return in tomorrow, if they haven't already. I did not send home reading homework this week and so we will complete it together in class. Are you practicing your math facts with the flashcards I sent home last week? We continue to do our daily timed drills and this extra 5-10 minutes of practice at home really pays off!

This week we learned about plot! Have your child tell you what a plot is and then challenge them to see if they can tell you the plot of this week's main story, "Blast Off". We also reviewed contractions this week. See if your child can explain contractions to you. Challenge your first grader to find as many contractions in one of their books at home. Make a game out of it and award them imaginary "points" for each contraction they find. Double their points if they can tell you the two words the contraction stands for.

Has your child told you about our new friend Tyler that will be joining our class family next week? They were lucky enough to meet him last Friday when I was out. We are very excited to have Tyler join our crew!

Starting tomorrow the countdown begins to our first grade musical! Don't forget that next Thursday April 19 is our first grade musical. The kids have been working so hard on their show. Our performance will be Thursday the 19th at 7pm in the Wheatridge Auditorium. Mrs. Neeley always does a phenomenal job. We can't wait to polish it up and perform for all of you!

April is about to get crazy busy. Please be sure to read the notes coming home as well as checking in on this blog. From now until the end of the year, we are going to be busy as bees. Here are just a few of the events ahead:

1. April 12: Spring Picture money is due. If you choose not to purchase, please just return the pictures to school!
2. April 19: First Grade Musical
3. April 20: Earth Day Celebration
4. April 27: Carnival--please be sure to read the packet of information that went home last week. There will be another informational flyer coming home tomorrow!
5. May 4: Flower Day (more to come...)
6. May 8: Field Trip to Ernie Miller Park
7. May 11: Field Day!

WHEW! This is just SOME of what is ahead! It's going to be busy, but so much fun! Be sure your first grader is getting lots of sleep and reading every night, if only for 5-7 minutes! They are becoming second graders right before my eyes...oh that first grade magic!

Let me know if you need anything! Have a great night!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Monday= B Tuesday= C Wednesday= D Thursday= A Friday= B

Hi families! I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend together. We just got back into town from visiting family and I am gearing up for another great week of learning together. We are down to the final two weeks before our big 1st Grade Musical,"Jungle Party". Next week will be busy, busy, busy with rehearsals! As always, we have a lot on our plate for this week, too.

I can't wait to hear all about your Easter weekends tomorrow at journal time. Hope you are all well! See you soon.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Hot Monday!

Monday= A Tuesday= B Wednesday= C Thursday= D Friday= A

Hi families! Your first grader worked hard and played hard today. They should be very tired tonight. We were very busy getting our week started with our new sound of the week, spelling words, fancy pants words, story, and math theme. Whew! Ask your child to tell you what our sound of the week is (U). They should be able to tell you the different ways we can spot the "U" sound: oo, _ew, u_e. Your first grader brought home their spelling pre-test today. Please be sure to help them practice their new words daily this week.

In math, we re-visited fact families and missing addends. Quiz your child to see if they can complete some number sentences such as: 6 + ___= 13. Encourage them to use what they know (13, 6) and plug it into a subtraction equation to solve the problem. This is tricky, but with practice they will get it!

Your first grader is bringing home both reading homework and a math Power Drill. I did not give them homework last week so that we could focus on reading our leveled books. We are back on track with homework this week. Please help your first grader complete and return it by Friday.

Please be sure to read the letter from Mrs. Neeley that went home last Friday. Our first grade program is just two weeks away and we have LOTS to do! These productions are always incredible and we appreciate your support to get our kids ready for their big debut!

Looking ahead for April:

April 5 = PTO Art Walk
April 19 = First Grade Musical at Wheatridge
April 23 = No School

Have a great night! Go Jayhawks!!!!!