Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Hot Monday!

Monday= A Tuesday= B Wednesday= C Thursday= D Friday= A

Hi families! Your first grader worked hard and played hard today. They should be very tired tonight. We were very busy getting our week started with our new sound of the week, spelling words, fancy pants words, story, and math theme. Whew! Ask your child to tell you what our sound of the week is (U). They should be able to tell you the different ways we can spot the "U" sound: oo, _ew, u_e. Your first grader brought home their spelling pre-test today. Please be sure to help them practice their new words daily this week.

In math, we re-visited fact families and missing addends. Quiz your child to see if they can complete some number sentences such as: 6 + ___= 13. Encourage them to use what they know (13, 6) and plug it into a subtraction equation to solve the problem. This is tricky, but with practice they will get it!

Your first grader is bringing home both reading homework and a math Power Drill. I did not give them homework last week so that we could focus on reading our leveled books. We are back on track with homework this week. Please help your first grader complete and return it by Friday.

Please be sure to read the letter from Mrs. Neeley that went home last Friday. Our first grade program is just two weeks away and we have LOTS to do! These productions are always incredible and we appreciate your support to get our kids ready for their big debut!

Looking ahead for April:

April 5 = PTO Art Walk
April 19 = First Grade Musical at Wheatridge
April 23 = No School

Have a great night! Go Jayhawks!!!!!

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