Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm back!

Friday= B Monday= C(library) Tuesday= D Wednesday= A Thursday= B Friday= C

Hi families! I finally have my family healthy and was back at school today. It was great to see the kids. We had a great reunion and they filled me in on all they had been doing the past two days. Has your first grader told you about our rock study? While I was gone, they collected all sorts of cool rocks and worked hard at sorting them and classifying them into different groups. Ask your child to come up with three adjectives that tell about their special rock. Tomorrow we will make a human Venn Diagram and classify our rocks different ways using different comparison baselines.

Don't forget to have your first grader complete their Power Drill and return in tomorrow, if they haven't already. I did not send home reading homework this week and so we will complete it together in class. Are you practicing your math facts with the flashcards I sent home last week? We continue to do our daily timed drills and this extra 5-10 minutes of practice at home really pays off!

This week we learned about plot! Have your child tell you what a plot is and then challenge them to see if they can tell you the plot of this week's main story, "Blast Off". We also reviewed contractions this week. See if your child can explain contractions to you. Challenge your first grader to find as many contractions in one of their books at home. Make a game out of it and award them imaginary "points" for each contraction they find. Double their points if they can tell you the two words the contraction stands for.

Has your child told you about our new friend Tyler that will be joining our class family next week? They were lucky enough to meet him last Friday when I was out. We are very excited to have Tyler join our crew!

Starting tomorrow the countdown begins to our first grade musical! Don't forget that next Thursday April 19 is our first grade musical. The kids have been working so hard on their show. Our performance will be Thursday the 19th at 7pm in the Wheatridge Auditorium. Mrs. Neeley always does a phenomenal job. We can't wait to polish it up and perform for all of you!

April is about to get crazy busy. Please be sure to read the notes coming home as well as checking in on this blog. From now until the end of the year, we are going to be busy as bees. Here are just a few of the events ahead:

1. April 12: Spring Picture money is due. If you choose not to purchase, please just return the pictures to school!
2. April 19: First Grade Musical
3. April 20: Earth Day Celebration
4. April 27: Carnival--please be sure to read the packet of information that went home last week. There will be another informational flyer coming home tomorrow!
5. May 4: Flower Day (more to come...)
6. May 8: Field Trip to Ernie Miller Park
7. May 11: Field Day!

WHEW! This is just SOME of what is ahead! It's going to be busy, but so much fun! Be sure your first grader is getting lots of sleep and reading every night, if only for 5-7 minutes! They are becoming second graders right before my eyes...oh that first grade magic!

Let me know if you need anything! Have a great night!

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