Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Spelling Test Tomorrow!

Oh boy! Tomorrow is our big spelling test. Has your child been practicing their short "a" words? I hope so. This is going to be a new experience for them, but I know they will do fantastic. With almost 2 weeks under our first grade belt, your child has been doing amazing things. I am so proud of how easily they have transitioned to being in school all day, without a Power Pause! Yippee!!! They are troopers. Your first grader has their first homework assignment tonight! We read a story this week called "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse" and we used the story to talk about good choices and not-so-good choices. Tonight your child is bringing home a purple (paper) purse in their backpack. We worked on sequencing the story today and put the events in the order they occurred in the story. Your child was asked to retell the story to you tonight by using the cards in their purple purse. You may need to help your child read aloud the events from the story, but they should be able to order them correctly. If your child completes this activity with you, please sign their purple purse and return it to school with them tomorrow. My friends who complete this homework assignment will earn a special treat. Don't forget that tonight is our Watch Dog dinner and tomorrow is our first Movie Night of the year! We will be watching The Lorax and we will also get to see the super-fun magician, Reggie Reg! It is always a great time! Have a super night!

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